Only know Ionos in DE but I can’t recommend it, the support is pretty bad.
Only know Ionos in DE but I can’t recommend it, the support is pretty bad.
Im Artikel standen ja eher Beispiele wie “stattdessen Partei mit ähnlichem Kürzel zugeordnet”. Denke bei Briefwahl ist zu spät=ungültig.
Aller Peinlichkeit des BSW zum trotz, 5000 Stimmen in eine Richtung ist schon doll, gerade wenn vorher klar war dass es knapp wird. Sowas darf nicht passieren und ist natürlich Wasser auf die Mühlen von Wagenknecht und co.
Cool! Thought it’s like alternative.to but it’s actually finding free instances of Etherpad, Jitsu etc.
Denke, zwei drei Sätze zu jedem Eintrag wären relativ hilfreich. So ist es einfach eine lange Liste ohne Einblick was was ist.
Wenn er den Wahlkampf damals nicht so dermaßen verhunzt hätte, wäre es jetzt vielleicht andersrum.
That’s what I thought. Btw, your formatting seems to be broken.
Absolutely agree. I didn’t like the crosspost bots but this button? Sounds great.
Yes, mostly just the hostnames
How do you set up clients so they will always use the first one? I thought if a client knows 2 servers they will switch between them.
I plan to add a second Pihole at some point and keep them synced
Everybody knows by now, there’s it’s own community for it. It really doesn’t need to be posted here every day
Not much to do against scraping. On a small (but actively moderated) instance, a spamming bot will easily be detected and hopefully suspended. Generally, moderation is often better on smaller instances, so I’m not too worried about people migrating towards bigger instances - usually it’s the other way round.
For 2. - dedicated corp instances will be defederated from many instances quickly. Bridge accounts on other instances need to be dealt with by the mods.
Yes, of course this can increase moderation effort. But spam accounts are way more easy to deal with from a moderation perspective than issues between real human users which usually takes wayyy more effort to deal with.
Überschrift: Trotz Cloudflare-Schutz öffentlich sichtbar
Artike: Kevin Beaumont, ein unabhängiger Sicherheitsforscher, und weitere Analysten sehen laut Wired Hinweise dafür, dass einige der Ursprungsserver von X, die eingehende Webanfragen verarbeiten und beantworten, nicht ordnungsgemäß hinter dem Cloudflare-DDoS-Schutz von X gesichert waren
Passt finde ich nicht ganz zusammen, aber naja.
Wo kann ich meine Kamera freiwillig melden um am DDOS teilnzunehmen?
That’s cool! I’ve always had the idea of a small k3s cluster on old phones with postmarketOS. I guess it doesn’t work with older phones which don’t have the latest Android Version but given the homelab trend generally goes towards small, low power devices, this could continue the trend with super small and low power phones. Probably in 2 years when current gen phones rotate out of company leasing contracts?
Does your router have webinterface where you can monitor and potentially limit network usage of devices?
I’m not too familiar with the arr stack but if it is constantly downloading videos it’s probably using full bandwidth. Maybe you can also limit in the arr settings or throttle the network interface on the laptop.
Are you selfhosting on your Desktop? What exactly is the use case? I’d recommend different distros for a server or a desktop.
Oh, den hab ich nicht gefunden. Danke!
I think there’s several open source rss-to-lemmy bots already so I think there’s not much need for another one. If you want to do it for experience go ahead but not sure it’s necessary.
Also, be careful with how often the bot posts etc. Filling inactive communities with botposts usually does not help with actual user activity.
Über den bin ich auch gestolpert :) War aber nicht ganz wonach ich gesucht hab :D
Playing information ping pong. We sent them some issue with a lot of information and instead of actually investigating they often dragged on the whole thing by asking for details they should have themselves, taking hours-days to respond etc before they actually did something. We often had to escalate issues via our account manager.
This was all on enterprise support while I was working for a company that paid six figures each month for infrastructure in their data center.