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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 27th, 2023


  • What you need are good laws, not so much a 4 day work week. I just go to the doctor during office hours and tell my employer I have to go. I even get paid time off for it, like everyone else working in this country. Same for the dentist or any other kind of medical thing.

    Sure, it’s not always optimal if you work in some sort of shift, but they are required to make sure you can go.

    By the way, not that I wouldn’t appreciate a 4 day work week, but this seems like a bit of a stretch to say that this is the reason why you would need one.

  • I disagree. I absolutely love the fact that I can just turn it off after office hours and throw it in a corner during holidays and weekends. Sure, it’s a bit cumbersome to take two phones with you, but it’s also cumbersome to take the laptop and everything with you all the time. Just put it in the same bag and you’re good. Good to note, my employer provides me with a phone, so I didn’t need to buy a second one. It also means that if I switch jobs, I just return the phone and still have my personal device.

    But if it doesn’t work for you, by all means, don’t do it. For me the good outweighs the bad.

  • I use them as well. Cheap, reliable and easy to use. I only had trouble once, where I was caught in some sort of anti-spam measure and they blocked my account. An email to their support fixed the problem pretty quickly though.

    One thing to look out for is to determine where you want your backups. You can’t change your account’s server location after you create your account afaik.

  • Wat een vervelende catch 22 oplevert. Stad waar ik woon wilt een nieuwe wijk realiseren en die zoveel mogelijk autovrij maken. Maar er is niet genoeg werk om al die mensen binnen de stad aan het werk te brengen en OV is ruk (lees, binnen de stad kan je nergens komen met OV, verbindingen naar steden en dorpen eromheen zijn ook slecht). Dus, iedereen zeurt over hoe er meer ruimte moet zijn voor de auto of dat het OV significant moet verbeteren. Waarop de gemeente antwoord dat ze niet over het OV gaat, dat is aan de provincie.

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