Points store is top secret. Do not spill the beans.
How can you farm karma if there is no karma to farm?
Relax and enjoy engagement for engagement sake.
Or funnel your energy towards making new content.
It aint honest and it aint work.
What better place to be shirtless?
Make sure to hydrate, the sun is a beast!
Yeh but she didn’t start this silliness
Apparently it’s been out for a bit? I saw someone randomly playing it last week and now half my steam list is balls deep in Dave.
Connect has blocking communities and hiding threads which is fantastic. I’m waiting for something better, but I need to be able to block the massive amount of futa/hentai/ai porn communities on here.
I personally prefer the two devices. Keeps my work live separate from my personal life.
Only a republican can be so invested in another man’s cock and still try to say they aren’t LGBT.
The entire party is ill.
I was hard worker. All I got for it was lifelong chronic pain.
I don’t think it’s a fair trade.
I am also interested in hearing about the fallout from the exodus.
If you aren’t interested, you can block the thread.
It functions on completely different technology, go back to your masturbatiom cave Elon
Where you gonna spend your upvote points? At the points store?
We are already getting games with every conceivable corner cut.
The real evil is the stock market: once you’re publicly traded you essentially lose control of the company and the product. Your company has the sole primary duty of creating wealth for the shareholders, and anything that gets in the way of that is expendable or offensive.
Normalize private companies making games again (Valve where you at man).
Thanks for the heads up!
Did u take my hot n ready meme down for corpoposting?
Whack. Literally 1884.
I prefer written guides to video guides.
Video has some clear advantages when showing off a 3D space and otherwise, but I dislike pausing them over and over. Especially if my hands are covered in oil and grease, a paper version is superior to a screen.
Tysm, blocking communities and threads has been crucial thanks to Connect