• 5 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: January 27th, 2024


  • Im being hyperbolic, consider my framing of ‘billions’ to just mean ‘a country with aprox a billion+ people’

    But that’s only 2 countries out of ~190. They are exceptions.

    Its an anarchist strain of thought and it has a whole connation behind it with the term,

    Lenin the anarchist.

    he surely recongised the need to have a police force to defend the citizens of the revolution from bad actors

    That’s two different things. “Police” and “a force to defend the citizens of the revolution” are two different things. That’s my whole point. In the Soviet Union you had the local militia

    and then you had the NKVD.

    So a “police” is a force than combines the two: “local policing” (stopping bar fights, getting drunk people off the street, investigating domestic violence) and then “state polcing” (fighting the enemies of the state). If you have one police with those wide powers, then that’s a recipe for disaster.

  • housing owned by the people living there is personal property, not private property

    “owned”. If it’s “owned”, it’s not personal property, it’s private property. Personal property is owned by the State but given to you to use. That means after you die or no longer need it, it is taken from you and given to someone else. “Owned” implies that you can decide who to give it to and that your kids can inherit it.

  • How many citizens of AES countries have you spoken to to inform this opinion of yours? How many times have you interacted with AES cops even?

    How many have you?

    then you’re just some foreigner applying foreign principles to places that you don’t know or understand.

    As opposed to you, The Great Understander and Knower? Should I make assumptions about you? You traveled to AES countries as a tourist and got treated nicely, because that’s how they treat tourists with money.

  • I was acting in good faith up till now

    I confused you with Blursty, they said “You’re reeking off anarchist “thought”.” and you jumped into the same thread, so I thought it was you who had said that to me. I apologise.

    It comes with ‘ACAB’, destroy all cops is a core princable; if not killing, abolishing all.

    Would you agree to a year of re-educational labour for cops instead?

    id call the police if I knew they wouldnt hurt them, which in a socialist society id have more confidence they wont, as they arent going to put them in prison, they are taking them home;

    But are we talking about a hypothetical socialist society or AES? Because not all AES countries are the same, and AES countries have mixed levels of class consciousness.

  • Cops in AES serve the state. The exists to subdue enemies and dangers to the socialist state and society.

    The state police (like Stasi, for example in the DDR) subdue enemies of the state. Police are literally there to “clean up the streets”. How can you be ignorant of this difference?

    over some American idealist who never has.

    Is the American idealist in the room with us now? Or are you calling me an American idealist? Insults aren’t going to help your case. You are having a knee-jerk reaction to a difference of opinion. Grow up.

  • Are you implying that no socialist leaders ever wanted to be in power and all of them were just so nominated and begrudgingly accepted the position?

    We’re not talking about just the “leaders”? Didn’t you say representatives? There’s many more elected positions in a socialist state than just “the leaders”. Also, “power” of leaders in socialist countries isn’t absolute. Those are anti-communist talking points. Do you think Stalin had absolute power? He was nominated/elected general-secretary, he didn’t say “I want to be general-secretary” and it was so. He also had to have his decisions approved, but that’s a different conversation.

  • should we be killing every cop there?

    Who said anything about killing?

    next time a stranger decides to drunkly stumble into my garden at 2am, they arent invading our house,

    You said “garden”, but then imply they are invading your “house”. What if your garden was 10 acres, would you still call the cops on them?

    they are just friends we havent met yet :)

    If you don’t have a problem with cops, they serve your interests.

  • In a socialist society if you’re taking a nap somewhere, the police will give you a ride home.

    And that’s how it should be. The police don’t need country-wide powers, 24/7 access to a criminal database or weapons to do this.

    of course if someone is invading your home, they should still respond

    Someone who takes a nap in your yard isn’t “invading your home”.

  • For most people, Haiti is a small island nation;

    That’s not how it works. Just because “most people” think something that doesn’t make it true. An island nation is a country that comprises a whole island, or several islands. Iceland is an island nation, for example.

    also we cant take micro-examples

    They’re not “micro-examples”. Iceland has 176 cops per 100.000 inhabitants, while the European Union average is around 333. China has some 142. Does that mean Iceland is close to being socialist? Or is Iceland more socialist than the EU?

    countries with billions of people.

    What countries with billionS of people? China and India have about 1.5 billion each, and they’re exceptions.

    Again just putting a different name tag on the police and giving them smaller juristictions doesnt make them not police

    Someone should have told Lenin that.

    what ACAB represents

    ACAB represents that “all cops are bastards”, I don’t think anything is implied about what should replace them.

  • I mean id hope they would do that, do you want someone sleeping in your yard you dont know?

    Sure, but that’s because I’m not scared of other workers and I don’t think people are icky.

    You said “cops don’t protect private property in socialist states” but then you say “I hope they’d protect private property in a socialist state”, so which is it?

    90% of people in China own a house, the need for people to sleep homelessly is all but eliminated over there.

    Who said anything about “homelessness”? What if you’re drunk/tired and just need a place to rest your head for a few hours? Why do you think that anyone sleeping on the street is “homeless”?

  • Simply isn’t true of any cops I’ve encountered in AES countries.

    OK? You don’t think cops in AES countries beat people up or throw them in jail? They just come with blankets and cocoa? If you need the country you “defend” to be perfect in your eyes for you to defend it, I have bad news for you. I can recognise negative aspects of a country and still defend it and say it is preferrable to another.

    “Simply isn’t true that cops in AES countries beat people up and throw them in jail” lmao