i did that partially. I have a bit user subscribed to many communities. Unfortunately that is a fully manual task - currently i don’t have an automated way of doing this
I mitigated the issue by testing my restore procedure:D
I am still not sure if it was an restic or minio problem, but many files were corrupt.
today i am using borg.
This is why a backup strategy is only as good as the tested restore procedure!
But i agree - same was for me (years ago) with restic and minio S3.
Since then, i restore a full backup once or twice a year to a second machine to test it
Your Post is driving me to get the pokemon episodes :D
More exciting are the people that host Their firewall/router like OPNSense/PFSense as a VM on their system! 😄
Could you add a block about I2P in general?
Somehow you are describing an „email“…
Problem with you approach is, that you have an easier maintenance, but your users need an additional tool. Especially when grandparents should use this, you should stick to what is there.
In theory you could host a matrix server and install some bridges like whatsapp, discord, etc. probably you would be able to create a matrix room and invite your granny via the whatsapp integration, your friends via discord, etc.
Disclaimer: I did not set up such solution - this just came to mind for your situation.
That’s true - as long as the battery does not catch fire :D
Are you using any charging utility? Like Macbooks are drawing power from Power brick as long as the battery is full. Still they are sometimes discharging to around 50% to keep the cells alive.
This assumes that you have all the new stuff on your server every time? I mean, proposing new stuff without having it makes no sense
did you verify to use the correct corresponding private key?
You can specify the keyfile with the -i option if i remember correctly
alternatively any used thin client will do well to. Cost around 50 bucks and has waaaay more power than a pi while not consuming much more.
Since a move is tracked by the „Bürgeramt“ they will find you since this is a jurisdical topic.
About ten years ago, a friend got such letter about 700€ and they argued that the wifi was public (hotspot mode) and they did not know who did that.
Besides, those are the reasons why torrents are nearly dead in Germany as far as i know.
I am not too deep into the scene, but i could imagine that this is not neccessarily desired since every signed release could be linked to them from a forensic and juristic perspective. (in the case they are arrested)