11 months ago@recreationalplacebos
That lynx was such a hellion they sent four dogs after it to keep its *spirit* at bay
The Gories
The Dirtbombs
The Wolfmanhattan Project
One day I will write a comic book, I swear
That lynx was such a hellion they sent four dogs after it to keep its *spirit* at bay
@GlennicusM @ProdigalFrog Perhaps, but then we’d have a bunch of displaced legislative malefactors infiltrating other state governments
@avidamoeba @cyu “You’ll keep your jobs because we’ll keep the Brown people out!” seems to be the major selling point, every time, in every country
@maegul @Subversivo @fediverse @fediversenews I’m not a coder, so I’m curious what advantages C# brings to the table