Here’s a kind of secret and totally awesome way to access and other tools like JSTOR, Proquest and ancestry itself: If you’re an active participant of Wikipedia, you’ll get access to the Wikipedia library:
You need an account age of 6 month, 500 edits at all and 10 edits in the last month, but that is something you can easily get and you’re also doing something for the greater good
TBH: If you really are spending a lot of time in bars, several hours a day, you also have to face some ugly truths about addiction. And there are also people addicted to work.
If you want to use Winamp on a modern PC, just use WACUP:
It’s a nearly perfect clone of the original Winamp and does work exactly as it should without all this NFT bullshit the new Winamp “promises”
There really should be a free and open source alternative for Duolingo. I know that there is Librelingo, but that is currently only doing Spanish for English speakers.