He buys one and another 3 just got set on fire. His one isn’t going to do jack shit.
He buys one and another 3 just got set on fire. His one isn’t going to do jack shit.
My partner just said “it sounds like it was written by Joe Exotic” and not a truer statement has ever been said.
This is Lemmy. We can say it loud and proud here: LUIGI!!!
Welcome to the banned brotherhood.
I’d been warned for saying I would be happy for whatever Elon gets whether it’s exile or death sentence. The kicker is they’re only doing this to leftist comments.
Now that Reddit sucks, this app is sure to take off. I’ve been banned for 3 days, but you best believe when I’m back I’m going to be recommending this app to people.
You better move. You better dance.
Since Reddit won’t let me say it, I do hope there’s a vigilante uprising and Musk, Trump, and anyone who is in their corner (Reddit execs for example) get got for their role in this fucked up country. I mean, they’re deporting legal residents now. Something must be done. I don’t have what it takes to do it, but I hope beyond hope that someone does since legal channels seem to be incapable of doing any damn thing.
I just got my 3 day ban under bullshit reasons. Reddit is now a place of tyranny and fascism.
Great tip! I’ll do just that! Thanks, pal!
Well I’m happy to be that.
That’s why I’m here. Reddit started getting super censored so I was looking for an alternative and was directed here. It’s fucking ridiculous.
The thought of him on fire gives me more joy than it should.