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I see, thanks so much!
It’s a normal set of strings at eadgbe. shit, is the low e supposed to be at the farthest peg?
Edit: I don’t think so, no, what confused you here?
Edit 2: the thicker strings are nickel wound nylon. This is pretty normal
Thanks, its definitely not as bad as a sitar lol it’s just a buzzing present while playing. I’ll take it to a luthier eventually though.
Alright, thank you.
Sorry, what cutout do you mean?
Thanks for the great advice, but there are no cracks or anything, I tightened all the screws and it’s not fret buzz. the sound is still there
absolutely 🤯
I posted an update :D
Thank you so much. You are amazing.
Doesn’t “aktuell” mean they are still being produced in that line? I’m a little confused
Oops… I spoke too early, I actually could use a little help. This is the answer I got:
in den 60er und 70er Jahren hat die Firma Hanika unsere Hausmodelle gebaut. Am ehesten kommt es der aktuellen 50er Serie gleich. Preis damals ca.500-700 DM.
Decke : massive Fichte Zargen & Boden Palisander**
By “50er” I assume he can’t mean the fifties because he specified the sixties and seventies. What does this mean?
It was definitely loved, my buddy got it at a flea market. I’ll keep you updated :)
You are an absolute saint, but I know a fair amount of german, I’ll manage. Thank you again, you absolutely rock <3
Thank you so much! That is absolutely genius
As a righty I always assumed that lefty guitars were also just made for everything. Woah. Damn i’m priviliged.
(I own one budget guitar)
Thank you so much! I’ll try that when I can. Euheuh, you said G string.