10 天前Hate to say it but imho trump would not let you leave. Is this something you guys are discussing with each other, I am genuinely interested.
Hate to say it but imho trump would not let you leave. Is this something you guys are discussing with each other, I am genuinely interested.
I am german and I feel physical pain reading this code
Thanks a lot 😁
I came here to comment that a „hide seen posts“ button would be awesome as I can’t find it in the settings. Can you point me in the right direction?
Ich finde dazu keine Quelle. Hast du da was für mich?
One should always optimize assets for the web, this includes svg as well.
For critical paths I use https://optimize.svgomg.net/ a svg file optimizer. Svgs that are coming directly from illustrator or sketch are getting better these days but this little tool is invaluable regardless.
I think you can run this local too