• 1 Post
Joined 2 年前
Cake day: 2023年7月3日

  • No. Your reading of it is unusual, in most contexts. It almost always means “agreement, and I have nothing of substance to add”.

    It can be rude if the thing you’ve said should warrant a substantial response. Like if you wrote “my brother just died in a car wreck”, a thumbs up (or probably any emoji) would be an inappropriate response. Heavier stuff warrants whole words.

    But if it’s like “Can you get cat food at the store? The kind we always get” then a thumbs up is an acceptable shorthand for "yes, I understand and commit to this request "

  • Depends on how it’s set up. If the setting is going into the env it’s a string, so I’d expect some sort of

    if os.getenv("this_variable", "false").lower() == "true":   # or maybe "in true, yes, on, 1" if you want to be weird like yaml
      this_variable = True
      this_variable = False

    Except maybe a little more elegant and not typed on my phone.

    But if the instructions are telling the user to edit the settings directly, like where I wrote this_variable=True, they’d need to case it correctly there.

  • I feel like people who say things “aren’t political” need to go back to like an 11th grade Literature course. These people probably would read Dracula and be like “it’s just a story about a guy that bites people THAT’S ALL”. Or say animal farm is just about some talking animals.

    Really, the failure of public education is having large impacts everywhere. People seem to be bad at analysis. Like when a story has a married straight couple and that’s not “political” to this sort of person, but a married queer couple is super “political”.

  • I think “Everyone is entitled to their opinion” is not the rock solid axiom people think it is. Sure, you can like vanilla or chocolate ice cream. That’s opinion, and not really harming anyone.

    “I don’t think the queers should be allowed to live” is technically an opinion, but it’s a vile one, and when you act on it you’re hurting people. Refusing vaccination is similar- it leads to people needlessly dying. Don’t sweep these into the same category as ice cream flavors.

  • moving mouse targets. Like let’s say you have two pinned items on the start menu, Firefox and steam. You click Firefox and it starts to open. You go to click steam, but Firefox finishes opening and the icon gets bigger. Steam’s icon then moves to the right, so you click where it was but instead just hit Firefox again. It’s stupid.

    Note how Firefox has solved this with tabs. Open a bunch of browser tabs. Enough so they shrink a little. Then rapidly close some, starting from the left. Notice how they don’t change size until you’re done closing tabs.

    Mouse tunnels. Like you click the “File” menu, and then mouse over “New” and a long sub menu opens. Longer than the original File menu. If you mouse directly from the top of File to the bottom of New, your cursor will briefly be outside either menu. This often will cause the entire menu to close. Mouse tunnel. Have to keep the cursor in the tunnel. Annoying.

    Had an old job that insisted this was fine and refused to let me or anyone change the interface to fix it (on a website)

    Focus stealing. Like you’re typing, and some other application pops up and takes focus. The absolute worst is when it pops up and puts focus on a dialogue box, and you just happened to hit “enter”. Instead of adding a new line to your document, you just accepted something. Awful.