Unfortunately, we’re the only ones with true chins, but I still scratch my cat’s undermouth area and call it a chin.
Unfortunately, we’re the only ones with true chins, but I still scratch my cat’s undermouth area and call it a chin.
To be fair, he didn’t exactly have to go to dental school or anything
Then they might actually be Gen Z, lol
All of them :/
-oid is like -esque, in that it describes something that resembles the root word, without actually being it.
It’s also one of those self-selection things though :)
It stands for female humanoid and is exactly as dehumanizing as it sounds
I might be boring, but I would hate a climbing gym first date. It’s public and easy to leave, but requires certain clothing, involves weird contortions and angles, and I’d get red and sweaty af. I’m not especially femme (so no makeup problems), but that’s still a recipe for self consciousness for me.
Obviously if you float it beforehand and they accept, that’s great (and they’re probably more what you’re looking for), I would just not suggest that as an extension of a coffee date. I could see it going either way from your comment, so I just wanted to note it.
It acts like a pipe cleaner, basically.
I don’t know, but for me it depends on my menstrual cycle. Given my bum gallbladder, it used to take a lot longer sometimes, but with my current diet, it’s significantly more consistent.
But it sounds like you probably get enough fiber :)
I think fiber is way more important than people realize. I’ve been a vegan for a few years, and it takes me about 40 seconds to have a complete, satisfying shit. On a really bad day, sometimes it’s two minutes, but that’s pretty uncommon. I feel so much better because of it (I’ve also got a bum gallbladder, so cutting out animal fats was great for me, but might not be as positive for others)
To be clear, the title is “The Catch (1911),” but it was painted in 2023, for anyone else confused by the plastic
Does it matter?
They can take the exoskeletons off?!?
I can’t wait for the independent-owned cohen and greenfields ice cream
I mean, yeah. He can’t gnaw through his own limb to save himself from the bear trap. And if the democrats were less supportive of Israel, it would be an easier choice. It’s natural for him to blame them fully, because he doesn’t want to blame himself. I don’t see this as crazy logic, he’s just in an incredibly difficult emotional state.
It’s a Sophie’s choice and he’s blaming the democrats for making their side of the choice unappealing. It’s a double standard, but that’s just because everyone expects republicans to be anti Muslim. He expected democrats to be on his side in a meaningful way and they weren’t.
It was not as easy as it could be, come on. Nobody wants to vote with Dick Cheney. They swung hard to the right and muddled it for people. It would be great if people were able to keep their eyes on the ball, but they couldn’t. Politicians should be generally aware of their potential supporters’ priorities, and there’s been a clear misstep here.
That’s why it’s done through email and not at checkout
Bad, but I found this. It may be a translation issue, but it seems significantly less spiteful and more regretful than I how read your description.
I do get it, it’s like getting a limb caught in a bear trap and not chewing through it. Sure, we’d all hope we would do it and know that it’s the best chance of survival, but it’s not easy to do. I’m not confused, just sad, worried and tbh, a little angry at the democrats. They could have made this an easier choice for us, and they might have won. I’m also angry at people who didn’t vote for Harris, but I really can’t understand how difficult it is for people like Abed Hammoud, so I’m going to save my anger more for the people who voted for trump
We can also hear the difference between hot and cold water from the sound it makes while being poured into a cup