Guns don’t kill people? lol.
Guns don’t kill people? lol.
Hear this month……,So far
But that’s not the motive or intent of what Reddit is doing. Saying they don’t support violence is an excuse being used to change what is being said and by who. It’s blatantly obvious. Defending how they are acting with the thinnest of arguments is giving full support to them and their methods.
Like most things, normal people have no real say in the matter. The large shareholders publicly saying things and selling off stock would lower their value and hurt them. Last year the CA teacher pension fund did say they met with Tesla to voice concerns. So it does happen.
It’s been known for years the stock was way overvalued. But making money overruled any sort of sound advice. Not that they are losing money, more people will say things.
I wonder what dad thinks of this? He’s probably all in and ordered another Leon before the funeral. That’s the thing with a lot of these MAGAs, even when it personally affects them, they still will not change their point of view or give pause to even think about it. Dad will probably double down on the CT now and think it’s all the “lamestream” media that is making this up. It’s very difficult to fight that level of fanaticism.
While money would be important to end world hunger, there also needs to be the political will for that to happen. It’s just not there in many parts of the world. And just throwing money, especially the way musk does, won’t solve every problem. He wouldn’t be able to do it. So he doesn’t try. He just lies and says he could.
Bill Gates had been trying to eradicate malaria and while great strides have been made, it’s not gone. And what does he have for his efforts? Getting blamed for microchipping people and trying to take over the world. If it’s just an ego trip to do good for musk, what’s the point. You just become the enemy by doing good.
The movie a Bronx tale has the gangster asked if he’d rather be feared or respected. He say feared because respect goes away. That is the attitude of many who gain power it seems.
They both lie. A lot of what they say are lies. I wouldn’t trust anything about them that is said by them, or online.
Depending on what metrics you use, the US has already had several depressions worse than the 30’s.
Whitmore: How do you get funding for something like this?
Julius Levinson: You don’t actually think they spend $20,000 on a hammer, $30,000 on a toilet seat, do you?
You would rather be a slave willing to die a horrible death, so one man will be a little more angry?
Musk will never know being poor, no matter if all his stock is devalued. He will never be left to fend for himself or worry about his electric being cut off. Will always have servants cleaning up after him. Sure, whatever “power” he has may be gone without his massive wealth, but there are 1000 more just as evil who would take his place.
Sure, a little schadenfreude is in order. But I certainly wouldn’t want to suffer that greatly just so musk can have a few more temper tantrums and things to remain the same.
Unfortunately this hurts many other people more than those few. Anyone with a 401k or investments, people who work for those companies, and consumers will all have their lives impacted more than the billionaires. It should have never gotten to that point of having these billionaires to begin with.
He is exactly the type to be working for Trump. Details don’t matter. lol.
I am done with reddit. Not sure I understand this place but Reddit has been shit for a while, and is getting much worse by the second.
C’mon. We need t be fair here. A lot of them can’t even do that.
Fuck, I could watch kids fall off bikes all day, I don’t give a shit about your kids