They say nature abhors a vacuum.
They say nature abhors a vacuum.
You’re onto something. Break out the alchemy kit.
Why stop there? Girlnemesis. Girlcomrade. Girlally. Girlchampion. Girlquaintance. Girlconfidante. Girlboss. Girllisteningear. Girlgirlfriend.
Single bead of sweat forms on my forehead, followed by a laser dot.
Speedrun any %, a defense strategy whitepaper on China, without using words "Red, Tiger, Dragon, Sino-, Mao, soft power, 5-year plan, or paper. "
Reagan is in hell waiting for heaven to trickle down.
The people are all gone, the Langoliers just haven’t shown up yet.
I was faced with a similar decision many years ago. At the time, I don’t think I could have enumerated all the problems I saw as clearly as you did above. Instead I was just filled with a vague sense of dread about trying to make a life in the US vs. a hopeful opportunity abroad. It made any long term planning nearly impossible, and it became clear that the future was somewhere beyond for me.
It was a good decision. It was still hard, as life tends to be. Culture shock hits hard after about one year and the glow of the honeymoon period wears off, and then a longer term acclimation process begins. Strictly staying within the social circle of the expat bubble is not recommended. Becoming part of the community, putting down roots, learning language, forming new friendships, following the different laws and social customs are all long term deep challenges. It also means family and friends are more distant. Those relationships change for better and worse.
Seek a good US tax specialist accountant early on for advice. The US still expects citizens to file taxes and report FBAR, even if the amount of tax owing is zero due to tax treaties.
Final advice: Whatever you choose, do it for positive reasons. The long term is a marathon and you need something to sustain you. It’s better to run towards something rather than run away.