I got so thirsty I just gave in and drank it. And when I didn’t die, I decided, screw it. The water paranoia is not always present, but if it is around for too long, what I have done is boiled the water and drank it hot. I think a water filter could be a good investment for this. Thank you for the suggestion. And I’m sorry this was such a heavy post. Thank you for your response. Yes, it’s been a wild ride on the crazy train. I don’t recommend this ride, I give the crazy train one star review.
I posted this and then ran away (or rather, rolled over and played dead possum), but I’m back and not dead yay. I actually had not even thought about this. Thank you. I know one family friend of my mom’s. They’re someone I could maybe talk to, it’s just that I’m so severely anxious to approach anyone. I will try.