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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2024


  • Completely up to you:

    • writing; long or short stories (Stephen King’s On Writing if you wanted a starting point), maybe set up an account on Medium (for example) and start posting? Maybe link it to your own patreon page when you feel comfortable?
    • drawing; from short form comics to graphic novels (lots of youtube channels but a jump off point for structured lessons could be drawabox.com)
    • music (again multiple youtube series and music tab sites, may however cost more buying an instrument and even more if you wanted to set up some sort of production suite - computer/software/audio equipment)
    • video; wouldn’t know where to start here for actually learning the skillset but the outlay for equipment could be potentially expensive though a smartphone with a camera could be sufficient to begin with (if you want inspiration look up a youtube series on video essays called Every Frame a Painting). If you develop drawing as a skillset you may want to veer into animation instead.
    • video games; not sure where to start - again searching youtube though I found this for inspiration: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-make-a-video-game-create-your-own-game-from-scratch-tutorial/

  • Top of my head, brainstorming/freeflow:

    • make video games or animated movie shorts with revolutionary socialist narratives (yes you can make the next Disco Elysium)

    • learn mandarin move to China and use your skillsets there (to begin with become a “digital nomad”, for example, in China)

    • discover and learn how to organise a vanguard to build pro-social sectors; this will involve the organised accumulation of capital which you cannot do alone

    • learn theory as you attempt to solve problems; for example you may want to develop an art to educate others on socialism and you may use the narratives of historical figures such as Stalin, Mao, Ho Chi Minh to do so - this will involve educating yourself of their history, reading their literature etc

    • branch out from your skillsets; video game building may lend itself to other app building. You may for example able to build the beginnings of a Wechat equivalent that could be side loaded to android that comrades could use to subvert the capitalist state with its own communication and trading protocols

    • intelligence and knowledge is developed; they are skillsets like any other

    • cross the river by feeling the stones :)

    • if you find theory overwhelming then to begin with go to redsails.org pick an article that takes your fancy, go through it slowly and may be read one or two references that peaks your interest at the bottom of each article. If you haven’t read one already here is something to start you off: https://redsails.org/why-marxism/

    • join a real life socialist group outside of the internet (they will inevitably have their own failings and contradictions, may be as a litmus test they should understand why a dictatorship of the proleteriat is important and not be reactionary, and should have actual plans on how they may help out the local community with tangible benefits); if / when you do this make sure you have a separate phone with a separate email/online identity for this if possible

    Edits: clarity

    Addendum - I may have misunderstood when you said “video games” as a skillset (ie developing them as opposed to playing them) and used that as a jump off for the above. I will leave this post here instead of deleting in case someone else finds it useful.

  • That most of the population does not need to be taxed; it is supposed to be - at least nominally - that the wealthiest elites give some of the wealth back to the labourers that they have appropriated from to maintain a sufficient quality of life to carry on producing wealth for the elites.

    However, as the wealthiest elites have power over legislature they have shifted the tax burden on to the rest of us. And through their media have asked us not to blame them - ie not to blame those who do not work and make money of the labour of others - but to blame the poorest instead.

    The question is why would one willingly propagate their propaganda for them. If one stops working are they more likely to become destitute or join the wealthiest elite? If it is the former then one is closer to the poorest sectors of society than the wealthiest.

    However, if they are aleady framing the question as suggested by OP then it is unlikely that appealing to their empathetic sensibilities will be effective.

    You could even make the argument that a nation’s wealth is not its tax revenue but I figured we should may be focus on existing narratives within capitalist mythologies.

    However, the above logical explanations of capitalist society is unlikely to work. Westerners intelligently seek out racist and bourgois narratives as they feels it benefits them. And this western culture (or more correctly culture of the bourgousie) has permeated globally to all the other capitalist countries as it fits their class perspectives

    /edit: clarity

  • If they are privileged enough not to care then they may be benefitting from the status quo; it is hard to dissuade someone away from this if they materially gain from exploitation.

    Being “neutral” with the staus quo is supporting it; being apolitical in the context of an exploitative system is taking a political stance that they are not vested in changing it.

    On the other hand it may also be due to alienation and the empty nihilism of an overbearing crushing system; these folks, however, often feel there is not much that they can do so they are not truly apathetic just dejected.

    Some people are just empathetically immature; you have limited time in your life on where you want to emotionally invest in guiding a person to the light.

    /edit: spelling/clarity

  • For those who can’t / won’t access Instagram [NB for non-anglophones the NHS is the UK’s national health service]:

    NHS Cover Up On Deaths of Trans Youths

    Since the NHS (National Health Service) imposed restrictions on treatment for young trans people, deaths have surged. Whistleblowers and Tavistock clinic papers reveal that this tragic outcome was both predictable and predicted at the time. Independent investigations have confirmed numerous suicides among transgender youth since these restrictions were implemented, highlighting a dire need for policy change and better healthcare access.

    Impact of the Bell v. Tavistock Case

    In 2020, the High Court ruled in the Bell v. Tavistock case that it was “unlikely” young people could give informed consent to puberty blockers, which are medications that can pause the physical changes of puberty. This decision led the NHS to immediately restrict healthcare for young trans people. Despite the Court of Appeal overturning this decision in 2021, the NHS maintained these restrictions, leaving many young trans individuals without essential medical care. This has caused significant distress and harm to the trans community, creating barriers to accessing life- saving treatments.

    Predictable and Predicted Tragedy

    Before the High Court decision, there was only one death of a young person on the GIDS (Gender Identity Development Service) waiting list over seven years. In the three years following the decision, there were 16 deaths.

    Healthcare professionals had warned that removing access to puberty blockers would severely impact the mental health and wellbeing of young trans individuals. Their warnings were ignored, resulting in a devastating loss of life and highlighting the critical importance of accessible healthcare for trans youth.

    Jo Maugham’s Alarming Revelations

    Jo Maugham, director of The Good Law Project, shared on X/Twitter that there has been a substantial increase in suicides among young trans people on the NHS waitlist. He revealed that the NHS has been suppressing evidence of these deaths, which followed the 2020 Bell v. Tavistock ruling.

    Maugham’s thread included testimony from whistleblowers and internal documents, showing a systemic failure to adequately address the needs of trans youth and a deliberate effort to hide the true impact of these restrictions. The lack of transparency has worsened the crisis.

    Whistleblower Testimony

    Whistleblowers reported that only one suicide occurred in the seven years before the Bell ruling, compared to sixteen in the three year after. These figures were provided by a doctor known as the “Named Doctor for Safeguarding Children.” This whistleblower tried to alert higher-ups, including a Tavistock director and Dr. Hillary Cass, but their concerns were ignored. The suppression of this vital information has had a catastrophic impact on trans youth, highlighting the need for transparency and accountability in healthcare

    Ignored Warnings and Cass Review

    Despite warnings from healthcare professionals, the Cass Review, led by Dr. Hillary Cass, failed to address the full scope of suicides among trans youth. Cass, who has no professional history working with transgender young people, collaborated with individuals linked to SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Center)- designated hate groups. The Review downplayed the link between the NHS’s restrictions on gender-affirming care and the increase in suicides, contributing to ongoing harm and overlooking critical evidence presented by whistleblowers.

    Evidence of Suppression

    A second whistleblower corroborated the first, stating that staff at Tavistock planned an open letter in response to these alarming deaths but were threatened with disciplinary action. Jo Maugham supported these claims with Tavistock board meeting minutes, which documented the clinic’s awareness of the deaths while failing to report them accurately. This suppression extended to FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) requests, where critical data was deliberately excluded, revealing a pattern of hiding the true impact of these policies. This lack of transparency continues to endanger trans youth.

    Systemic Failures in Mental Health Services

    An investigation by The Guardian highlighted systemic failures within the UK’s mental health services, contributing to numerous suicides, including those of transgender youth. Cases like 15-year-old Virgil Rhone and 17-year-old Max Sumner revealed multiple failures in mental health support, including inadequate risk assessments and lack of family involvement. These failures, compounded by restrictive NHS policies, create an environment where trans youth are denied necessary care and support, exacerbating their vulnerability and increasing the risk of suicide.

    Harmful New Restrictions

    On 30 May, health secretary Victoria Atkins introduced a ban on young trans people obtaining puberty blockers from regulated prescribers in Europe. This has exacerbated the crisis, leading to further distress and attempted suicides among trans youth. The Good Law Project is aware of several young people who attempted suicide following these new regulations, underscoring the urgent need to overturn this harmful ban and ensure access to critical healthcare for trans youth. The restrictions have been widely criticised by healthcare professionals and advocates.

    Join Us in Supporting The Good Law Project and Trans Actual CIC

    Help support The Good Law Project and Trans Actual CIC challenge to these harmful restrictions. By supporting their efforts, you can help protect the lives and well-being of young trans people. Every bit of support counts. Join in demanding better healthcare and mental health support for trans youth. Your involvement can make a significant difference.


    Help support the ‘Trans Kids Deserve To Grow Up - UK’ solidarity campaign, focused on supporting and uplifting the voices of trans and non-binary youth.

    (Edit: tried to put the whole thing in a spoiler tag but lost my patience)