• 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: September 28th, 2023

  • Ezra Klein is the biggest mark on earth. His newest podcast description starts with:

    Artificial general intelligence ā€” an A.I. system that can beat humans at almost any cognitive task ā€” is arriving in just a couple of years. Thatā€™s what people tell me ā€” people who work in A.I. labs, researchers who follow their work, former White House officials. A lot of these people have been calling me over the last couple of months trying to convey the urgency. This is coming during President Trumpā€™s term, they tell me. Weā€™re not ready.

    Oh, thatā€™s what the researchers tell you? Cool cool, no need to hedge any further than that, theyā€™re experts after all.

  • Bari Weiss, IDW star, founder of The Free Press and author of ā€œHow to Fight Anti-Semitismā€ publishes and then approvingly tweets excerpts from not-very-convincingly-ex white supremacist Richard Hanania explaining that

    These stiff-armed salutes are not expressions of sincere Nazism but an oppositional culture that, like a rebel band that keeps wearing fatigues after victory, has failed to realize itā€™s no longer in the opposition.

    Quite uncharacteristically, she deleted her tweet in shame, but not before our friend TracingWoodgrains signal boosted it, adding ā€œExcellent, timely article from Hanania.ā€ His favorite excerpt, unsurprisingly, is Hanania patiently explaining that open Nazism is not ā€œa winning political strategy.ā€ Better to insinuate your racism with sophistication!

    Shortly after, realizing he needed to even out his light criticism of his fascist comrades, Woodgrains posted about ā€œvile populism to right of me, vile populism to left of meā€, with the latter being the Luigi fandom (no citation that this is leftist, and contrary to the writings of Luigi). To his mind the latter is worse ā€œbecause there is a vanishingly short path between it and more political murders in the short-term futureā€, whereas open Nazism at the highest levels of the American conservative movement doesnā€™t hurt anyone [important].

  • Post from July, tweet from today:

    Itā€™s easy to forget that Scottstar Codex just makes shit up, but what the fuck ā€œdynamicā€ is he talking about? Heā€™s describing this like a recurring pattern and not an addled fever dream

    Thereā€™s a dynamic in gun control debates, where the anti-gun side says ā€œYOU NEED TO BAN THE BAD ASSAULT GUNS, YOU KNOW, THE ONES THAT COMMIT ALL THE SCHOOL SHOOTINGSā€. Then Congress wants to look tough, so they ban some poorly-defined set of guns. Then the Supreme Court strikes it down, which Congress could easily have predicted but they were so fixated on looking tough that they didnā€™t bother double-checking it was constitutional. Then they pass some much weaker bill, and a hobbyist discovers that if you add such-and-such a 3D printed part to a legal gun, it becomes exactly like whatever category of guns they banned. Then someone commits another school shooting, and the anti-gun people come back with ā€œWHY DIDNā€™T YOU BAN THE BAD ASSAULT GUNS? I THOUGHT WE TOLD YOU TO BE TOUGH! WHY CANā€™T ANYONE EVER BE TOUGH ON GUNS?ā€

    Embarrassing to be this uninformed about such a high profile issue, no less that youā€™re choosing to write about derisively.