Treason Trump pulled a classic bait and switch. People stupidly thought they were voting against things like inflation and immigration. Instead they actually voted to massively degrade the quality of government towards Venezuelan levels and completely eliminate all the checks on government corruption.
In his last term Traitorapist Trump averaged:
20-25 documented lies per day every day, documented by WaPro before it became compromised.
1-2 times per week throwing food on the wall according to White House aides.
So we can make the following assumptions:
(1) Trump has told 600-750 lies so far.
(2) Trump has thrown food on the wall 4-8 times so far.
Isn’t it just modified Mastodon instance?
Yes. But he somehow managed to spend $8 billion on it, even though he’s been claiming he can build websites for $3 each.
Then forget the post and run it in the New York, Chicago, and LA papers.
Why does Trump want to destroy America? Why does he hate Americans?
We are going to need a coalition of European countries to come and liberate us first.
[Rice said he agrees with the Trump administration’s goal of making the government more efficient, but objects to the random, scattershot approach being taken.]
This guy probably voted for Traitorapist Trump. Leopards ate my face!
Wow. Trump is such a terrible business manager that he managed to lose $400 million on a website that only cost him $3 to build.
[I hire people, they do a website. It costs me $3]
[“A closed-door meeting for House Democrats…”]
What part of “House Democrats” do you NOT understand? Nowhere in the article is “DNC” mentioned.
particularly coordinates strategy to support Democratic Party candidates
Do you not understand what “candidates” mean? All of the people involved here were elected congressmen – NOT “candidates”. There is no reason whatsoever an elected member of congress would give a shit what “the DNC” thinks unless they are in an ongoing election with a very close race and cannot raise enough money on their own.
Um yeah. I’m sure that the US just happened to get the most perfect spot in the entire world and becoming the most successful country in the world had nothing to do with the way we ran our country. /s
and enforce complacency.
YOU are the person doing that. All you have is apathetic loser defeatism. You have no program. You have no platform. You have no plans on what to do. You have no solutions. Sanders has many solutions. Who cares whether you like them. He has identified exactly what needs to be done and you have not.
stifle dissent
What “dissent”? You aren’t a dissident. You’re just a guy who sits on a couch watching TV and bitches that nobody has done your laundry for you.
You’re throwing spaghetti at the wall, hoping something sticks, but it’s a mess of contradictions and bad takes.
You’re flinging bullshit in all directions, pretending to have credibilty when you have none, but are totally unable to refute any of my points.
If you think firing low-level staff fixes corruption, you’re delusional.
Firing low level staff does nothing at all except degrade the quality of government. That’s why Trump is doing it. Because he like to turn everything he touches into shit. Fascists firing low level $17 hour workers in the name of attacking a vague “deep state” is obviously ridiculous. Trump doesn’t “fix” corruption, Trump has increased corruption 10 fold. That’s why he keeps pardoning a bunch of corrupt people – Trump wants to normalize corruption precisely because he is corrupt.
And this “administrative state” tirade?
That’s your tirade. A vague “administrative state” is not a meaningful concept. You would have to talk about specific things to say something meaningful. Vague claims are not. A “state” is a country so the phrase is nonsensical and would need to be rephrased to make any sense.
It’s not about the guy answering phones or testing water—it’s about unchecked bureaucracy.
The people answering the phones and testing the water are precisely the low level people Trump has fired. How does that in any way put a “check” on an “unchecked” bureaucracy? The only way their could be “unchecked” bureaucracy of the organization that Trump leads is if managers Trump appoints are incompetent buffoons like he is and Trump himself is incompetent at being a manager. How would Trump firing a random number of low level people who do things like answer phones and 17 corruption watchdogs in any way help with Trump and his managers not being competent at managing? If that is the only way that Trump can “manage” something then it shows Trump is completely incapable of competently managing anything.
Oh, the classic pivot to “you’re helping Russia”
You are doing exactly what Putin wants you to do. Whether you are doing this intentionally or not really makes no difference. Because you spreading your loser defeatism is exactly what Putin hired thousands of people at his troll farm to do.
maybe start by addressing
You’ve made it very clear that you have no intention of “addressing” anything and are just going to sit on your ass and do nothing. Why the fuck would anybody care what you say? You offer no solutions. Other people do. That makes you irrelevent. You’re part of the problem, not part of the solution.
Progress? What progress?
Obama giving me health insurance when I badly need it. Social Security preventing millions of old people from starving. Medicare saving the lives of thousands of people every day. I could give you thousands of examples.
a broken system
Really sucks for Russians that their system is 100x more “broken” than ours. Do you think we do not know that it is precisely because we are the most successful country in the world that Russia and other country’s try to shit on us? Do you think Americans don’t know how bad off most of the world is?
His actions were disgraceful, but “traitor” implies legal betrayal of the state,
And he did exactly that. He tried to subvert American elections and overturn the will of the voters. Even Benedict Arnold didn’t do something that despicable. He’s also been working with Putin, according to a GOP Senate report.
your claim that entry-level workers aren’t the backbone…is laughable.
Your claim that entry-level workers are more powerful than their managers is way way way more laughable. So the new data entry guy who gets $12 per hour is the “deep state” we should be scared of? And firing the $12 hour guy but keeping the $200k/year managers and specialists somehow hurts the mysterious and vaguely meaningless “deep state”. Do you have any idea how ridiculous that sounds?
the administrative state
Where the fuck do you get this completely meaningless “administrative state” shit? LIke the office worker at the social security building taking your phone call so that you are only on hold 2 hours instead of 3 hours or the CDC researcher working on a virus cure or the inspector general whose job is to root out corruption or the FBI trying to catch terrorists before they bomb a crowd or the guy making sure you don’t have toxins in your water are “evil” or “bad”. These are employees, not a “state”. They are doing the work that our elected congress instructed and funded them to do. Congress has oversight committees on all these agencies. Trump ignoring the laws instead of trying to get congress to change the laws is plain and simple Fascism. Trump is using the Constitution to wipe his butt. The very same same constitution that made America the most successful country in the world.
Lastly, your constitutional argument is hollow. Congress creates agencies but doesn’t micromanage their operations.
Will you stop with the nonsense? We are not talking about “micromanaging” anything. Trump’s Department of Government Enshitification is clearly trying to abolish entire agencies and cut the funding of the rest WITHOUT THE APPROVAL OF CONGRESS. It was illegal for Trump to dismiss any of the 17 inspector generals without cause and without informing congress of that specific cause. That was a Fascist move to pave the way for massive corruption. If what Treason Trump was going was not unconstitutional, he wouldn’t be threaten judges and threatening to abolish the separation of powers required by the constitution.
it’s my responsibility to convince the masses to support a candidate
I thought you were someone who supported progress. My mistake. Why would anybody listen to your loser defeatism when you aren’t doing shit to help Americans. All you are doing instead is what exactly what Putin wants you to do. Too bad that Russia is fucked up way worse than America.
Weird that Canada and Mexico didn’t become the most successful country in the world.
early Independance
Weird that Haiti and Mexico didn’t become the most successful country in the world. I’m sure it had nothing to do with their creating dictatorships shortly after their early independence. /s
Yep. Everybody knows Trump sent a mob to overthrow democracy. He also spent every day from election day in 2020 to Jan 6 trying to overturn the will of the voters from scheme after scheme after scheme. When you lost on election day like Trump did in 2020 you are suppose to stop and congratulate the winner, not try to overthrow our 246 year old democracy.
Yes. It is very well known that Convicted Criminal Trump despises America’s longstanding core values of democracy and freedom and admires authoritarian dictators. He is hugely disloyal to Americans and our values.
First, the “least powerful workers” you mention are the backbone of the administrative state
No, the new entry level workers are not the “backbone” LOL. The backbone are the people who have worked their jobs for decades. OF COURSE the entry level workers have the least amount of power. That’s true for every organization. Are you actually trying to gaslight us on this? LMFAO
Congress doesn’t micromanage civil service classifications.
Nobody said they did. Elected members of congress created these agencies and set their funding levels. What the Department of Government Enshitification is doing, destroying these agencies created and funded by congress without the consent of congress, is violating the constitution. If Traitorapist Trump wants to destroy a federal agency, or even to degrade its functioning by reducing its size, the he needs to get congressional approval to do that. e.g. eliminating the Department of Education is a Fascist move BECAUSE IT WAS NOT APPROVED BY CONGRESS.
Fascism thrives on loyalty cults and
That fits Traitorapist Trump perfectly. We all know that very few of his cabinet nominees are remotely qualified for their jobs. Trump appointed them to have a loyalty cult.
purges of dissenters
Exactly. This is why Trump is purging the Democracy State. e.g. He purged 17 inspector generals so that they could not uncover his planned corruption.
Yep. I always avoid bullshit. If it wasn’t bullshit you would have tried to refute my 3 points. But we both know you can’t. Did you really think that 99% of people didn’t know this was hyperbole just because nobody thought this hypobole was important enough to issue a reality check before?
“DNC” is a small specific group within the Democratic Party that is focused on a specific role (primary elections). The House Democratic Caucus is another specific group within the Democratic Party made up of members of congress, and a totally different group than “The DNC”.
I don’t get to blame party leadership
You were not blaming the congressional party leadership that this article is referring to. You were blaming a completely different group that had nothing to do with this. Nobody in the House Democratic Caucus that this article is about gives a shit what “The DNC” thinks about this.
There are huge numbers of conservatives working for the federal government. They thought they were voting against inflation and immigration, but were actually voting to fire themselves. And to die in plane crashes and nuclear accidents and disease outbreaks and food poisoning and health problems and increased hurricanes and a bunch of other stuff.