I agree wholeheartedly
I play Rocket League and like Jeeps.
I agree wholeheartedly
I look forward to a day where third party app stores are allowed to exist on iOS, should it ever come.
I visited the National Aquarium in baltimore, Maryland, and their glass building was covered in dots on the glass so that birds could more easily see the glass. I think this would make a lot of sense for skyscrapers, though it would impede on people’s views. I think it’s worth considering given it will also help save the lives of birds and reduce cleaning costs/damage from the birds.
This is really exciting, Mozilla is one of the few companies I trust with something like this. That being said, many initiatives spearheaded by the Mozilla foundation end up in failure, often because of the lack of funding. I hope that the community can help get the ball rolling on this, even if Mozilla is not ultimately there at the finish line.
I’ve been wanting one for so long and it’s been hard
The link was broken for me lol that’s why I asked
This is a real headline. This headline is real, and is not a joke.
That is horribly sad
Why is that, out of curiosity?
+1 for Feeder, really happy with it
If you didn’t already suggest it, I would have suggested Veloren!
They have ads to fundraise. Wikipedia is one of the greatest archives of knowledge in history. Their clients and website are open source powered by MediaWiki. Of all the sites to use a privacy friendly frontend for, I’d have Wikipedia at the very bottom.