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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • HOWEVER… The entire point of the amnesty, is to make it illegal for ownership of certain firearms, make them illegal to resell, etc., but you give people incentive to give up and make money from the ones they shouldn’t own

    The issue is the antigun groups are targeting rifles. You know how many people are killed by rifles a year? 1.5-2.5k, this is all rifles and shotguns combined. You know how many people are killed by AR-15s a year? 50-100…yea the weapon of choice for murder here in the states is handguns. It’s not about keeping people safe, it’s about virtue signaling to their base.

    Over time, you end up with far less guns in circulation.

    Pandora’s box is open here. There is no closing it

    That’s what happened here in Australia.

    Not really, you all now have more guns in civ hands than before the ban. Ratio wise it’s less but that’s because you have more people.

    You might still have a huge amount of firearms, but the aim isn’t to solve the problem overnight. But, it saves a huge amount of the problem immediately, and over time, it solves the issue…

    Unless you plan on banning knives, which kill around 3.5k a year (yes that’s correct more than all rifles and shotguns combined) then it’s not about saving lives. It’s about saving certain lives.

    It works… It worked for us. You’re playing the short game.

    It worked for you, because you have safety nets. You don’t have a shit ton of gangs and drugs flowing through the streets. You don’t have cartels 4 foot from your boarder. You also don’t have the population size we do.

    You’re trying to argue that unless the solution is 100%, it isn’t worth pursuing.

    No, I’m arguing that it’s a solution that will not work for even 5%. As I have explained above, rifles which are the targets, make up basically nothing when it comes to firearm deaths. Yet they’re the constant focus. If we’re to fix our violence issue here in the USA, we need to help get people to stop being violent first.

    No, but we have some of the most effective protection against shootings in the world. So it would be silly to ignore a working solution. We don’t have a lot of the things on that list

    You have some major ones on that list. You for one don’t lock up everyone who is a non violent drug offender to the point that you create broken homes which fuels gang membership. You don’t have qualified immunity either, which here in the USA, 1 in 40 of our gun deaths is by the police. (Yes you read that correctly, the police here kill on average 1k Americans a year via firearms). You have single payer healthcare, you give a shit about your citizens and have safety nets. We lack so much that it drives our citizens into poverty and creates prime circumstances for violence.

  • Starlink doesn’t cover the globe, it’s available in the Americas, Europe and Oceania. It’s not available in most of Africa, the Middle East, India, China, Russia, Indochina. E.g. the majority of the world cannot access Starlink.


    China/russia/middle east not allowing it, is not the same as not being available. Did you even check the coverage map before replying.

    I don’t give a shit that Starlink is owned by Musk. Starlink as a company seems fine (it’s not X or anything), but I strongly dislike that their product messes with astronomy in such a major way that astronomists complain about it every chance they get.

    Astronomers complain about light bleed from ground cities as well. No one was telling them to shut down the cities.

    Sounds like your fight is with “big telecom” and with your local government for not putting up a good enough quote to run fiber. This isn’t an issue for large portions of the world, including rural areas, where they’ve figured out how to get them to lay fiber.

    Lol no just no… I dont know where you live but the majority of people in rural areas are not served, otherwise starlink would have never taken off and been sustainable. You think businesses just make products for a few people and break even?

    Access is not the same as high-speed access. Almost all of the world has some level of access, even in rural areas, through sattelites that are not in LEO. Enough to (slowly) browse, not enough to stream in HD. I don’t believe sacrificing considerable astronomical discoveries and progress is remotely worth it when feasible alternatives are available and have been used in large areas of the world already.

    Again this myth you keep spouting that the majority of the world has access is bullshit, and the idea that you’re basically telling people, well planes exist but you need to walk because you live to far from the airport is some classist bullshit.