Same boat here. Recently prescribed the vyvase? One and it’s been a total game changer.
But legit would drink coffee before bed to sort of “focus” on sleeping lmao. Was “dialing it back” and still at 4-5 cups a day prior to meds. Now just have a single cup around 1 pm.
A bit sad about it - I love the flavor of coffee. And energy drinks. But at the same time 3 hours after first dose everything in my mind became so much less “aggressive” like my executive wasn’t being pulled. And I could push it.
Yeah one of the few fixes to our shitty situation is to end surveillance capitalism. It’s deconstructing our behaviors trending them and exploiting them vs ourselves and the people around us.
Cash becomes a component of a healthy surveillance free (ish) lifestyle. But you probably wouldn’t be posting on any internet site if you were all in on it enough for swapping over to cash to matter. haha.