“Why don’t you walk down to the end of the room? Over by that vigor tester machine there.” - Doc Mitchell, Fallout New Vegas
Beautiful, delicate, and somewhat explosive!
So… mom?
HAHAHA get it? Wife bad!
A llama unicorn! A llamacorn, if you will!
This is very stupid, and not in a funny way. Do better.
The snow on the ground probably melted, leaving the snowman intact because it is compacted and harder to melt.
Will on the sill?
Pretty sure its a footprint, possibly saying dont stand on the box.
You might be right, but i think it also has to do with the charging behavior of those animals. The plant a spear strat seems less effective if your prey is better able to change directions.
Isnt this how you would hunt boar too?
But they arent tho. I am a trans woman who has been on estrogen for 4 months. In that time i have absolutely noticed my nipples changing, both growing and getting hard more regularly than before.
So i know the Stimpak, the monster logo and the gender symbol, but what is the other tattoo supposed to represent?
Ah see that would explain it!
This is cool as fuck actually. It flows like a song and i just instinctively read it like one
It definitely looks like they were just doing a dirty job. I don’t know why you would assume that this is just the way they keep their hands.
Yeaaaah all of these things are very common among people with ADHD. So, not to put too fine a point on it, but you are super wrong.
Hell yeah! I love the music in starfield. If theres one thing bethesda consistently gets right, its the soundtrack.
This is absolutely gorgeous!