breadtuber (2h 55m run length)
breadtuber (2h 55m run length)
fuck yeah i love how the commie dems vote basically exacty like the republicans
awesome system they have going over there.
yo this is sick, like real red scare stuff again
i’m already not going to be able to enter the states when they ban marxists. i wonder how my family over there will react when they bring back the black book of communism shit
This is one of those insta saves for me. What a great image.
oh no pax americana what happened??
Australia, already infamous for detoothed unions, just signed the death knell for any serious collective action in a legal sense with this one. Unions already cannot strike without express permission and a promise they won’t impact economic livelihood, now they can’t even grow to a certain size and power without the threat of being placed under administration.
Oh, and it was the government party supposedly made of labor unions that did this. Still waking up every day pissed off about this.
so the US couldn’t even come together to vote out their biggest baddie bad guy who will absolutely end the empire
Space race number two but the US isn’t even going to participate this time.