Yeah that’s generally my go to also. For whatever reason the brush worked best on that one particular liquid foundation.
Yeah that’s generally my go to also. For whatever reason the brush worked best on that one particular liquid foundation.
While not quite what you’re looking for, it’s a cute love story that has some spicy scenes. For Whom The Belle Tolls by Jaysea Lynn. It’s based on her series Hell’s Belles on TikTok.
If you’re looking for more of an audio type thing there’s the Quinn app
That not all application methods work with all foundations or all skin types. I had one foundation and I can’t remember what it was but it was a liquid and I just couldn’t make it look good with a beauty blender. Never occurred to me at that stage in my makeup journey that I could use a brush with a liquid foundation. That changed everything. I don’t wear much makeup anymore because I work outside and I’m constantly sweating but it’s good to remember that there are multiple application methods so if one doesn’t work, try another.
I’m good at my job. I routinely have to take breaks because I’m faster than everyone else and I don’t want to set my own work standards too high. I do work on city water systems. This past week I was out by myself and managed to do more fire hydrant work than the guys who were in groups of two by noon. I let them pass me by the end of the day so it didn’t look like they were slacking or, like I should achieve a crazy amount every day.
I never understood how this feature on my Garmin, thank you for explaining it!
I have gut feelings about certain things at work. I work in city water maintenance and generally I know they’re a main break before there’s any evidence of it. I am trained to find them but for some reason, I tend to be better than everyone else at my job with it.