LOL for context, it was the fastest way to grind xp:
Nerd, programmer, writer. I like making things!
LOL for context, it was the fastest way to grind xp:
Golden Sun is still one of my favorite RPGs!
Crazy behavior, the guy could play anonymously but he’s clearly not in it for the fun of the game.
Correct, most of the similar communities linked in this thread are defederated
What games have ya been playing?
Those flash deals were awesome, I pretty much stopped caring about sales when they ended. Now I mostly use the wishlist and wait for games to come down
And then when the moderators asked Trump why he killed that bill, he decided not to answer and ranted for a few minutes instead
I’m curious how many emissions these trash products have added, good riddance
People on lemmy sure are sensitive to jokes
AND that the documentation is built in to the engine, only a 60mb download!
Someone else saw the ldtk jam chart, huh?
Nailed it lmao
Why is this posted to a community for a dead iOS lemmy app
Good! Companies going public because $$ is short sighted
We finally don’t need custom resources for simple exports!
I like this! It looks nice and the way the bottom bar goes into the background feels natural to how I use my desktop
I didn’t know about this game until today when an interview with the dev popped up on my podcast subscription feed, it looks good! I might have to go in blind