• 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: October 25th, 2022


  • Because of the way party conventions and nominations work, with the way the US system is currently designed there would be essentially no way to get parties to elect their officials, tell everyone about the candidate, and then vote for a half term.

    Don’t forget that the entire UK could fit into one US state and the entire population of the UK is smaller then the population of Texas and California alone.

    Further, because of the sheer size of the United States, many people have to travel could need to travel upwards of 30-45 minutes one way to vote, so many people rely on mail in votes, which would be close to impossible to distribute and then collect in the time the snap election happens. It would just be easier to wait until the next election.

    It is also expected that the vice president would carry on the plans of the original president since they are from the same party, so there aren’t any major changes in course expected.

  • Look up the “United States presidential line of succession”, there is an entire order for who becomes President in case the acting president is no longer able to carry out the duties of their office, are killed/presumed dead, or abdicate their position. While succession has been planned out to the point of dozens of successors, the top five in order are:

    1. Vice President
    2. Speaker of the House of Representatives
    3. President pro tempore of the Senate
    4. Secretary of State
    5. Secretary of the Treasury

    If you pay attention to major US political events, you will notice that you will never see all of those people in the same place at any given time; even during the State of the Union in Congress.

  • You envision a party as a massive coalition akin to the Bolshevisks in 1915.

    You do realize that it started decades before then with a handful of people meeting in someone’s basement, local library, or a park, and discussing ways as to how they could support their local community while building socialist awareness and class consciousness, right? In a country so hopeless that Lenin himself stated that he never even considered a revolution being possible.

    Get your hands out from under your butt and do something, anything, instead of whining about how horrible and pointless doing anything is.

    I’m sure the homeless man you give a bowl of food to won’t think the actions you take with a local party were useless. I’m sure the poor tenet who you showed up to defend from eviction wouldn’t think the same as you now.

    Join the PSL preferably, but if they don’t exist near you, join literally any group near you dedicated to bringing positive social change from a Marxist perspective.

    If not, then start your own branch of a party, or set up a club to do community projects with. Even if the only people who bothered to show up were you, an old man, and two skater anarchists. Because I promise you that if you keep building, and avoiding doomer mindsets. Then your group won’t stay that small for long.

    Every little bit helps.

  • It’s a hobby first and foremost. Go into it for fun, and have absolutely zero expectation that you will make a dollar. If you get lucky enough to gain any sort of following and begin earning enough to support yourself, then you can consider becoming a full time streamer.

    Please don’t forget that the people who qualify to be in that category are less then 1 in a million. It is pure luck, and even if you earn something, it will be meager and extremely limited at best.

    It is a fun hobby. Do not go into it thinking you’ll make it big and start raking in big bucks. Getting over 10 concurrent viewers is an insanely difficult task, and you will not make enough to support yourself till you breach several thousand. Which is a horridly minuscule, and tiny percentage of streamers.

    If you want to be a streamer and maximize your potential for making that your full time job. Attempt to gain a following on YouTube first, then transfer some fans over to help you kickstart your live steaming.

  • You’re absolutely right the Arab League’s support for Morocco is primarily because of Western influence and several complicit lapdogs. I mentioned the religious support aspect as that is how it is billed and sold to the citizens of those Arab nations by their governments and the media. They want people to think that they are helping Morocco defend Islam and their traditions from evil, godless communists. Even though the Sahwari themselves are predominantly Sunni.

    So the religious aspect is more for optics, when it’s very obvious that the Moroccan monarchy and US don’t want to lose control of the territory because of its mineral and oil deposits.

  • Ironically it’s still a bit biased towards the US position since many Western Sahara articles on Wiki seem to unsurprisingly forget both Soviet and Chinese support for Saharan independence, along with the multitude of horrific war crimes and ethnic cleansings that the Moroccan military carried out against civilians in the region. Despite that; the analysis and explanation of Sahwari culture, governance, women’s rights, party beliefs and structure, and ultimate aims, are all well presented for a general overview.

    But I guess that’s not very conducive to trying to paint the occupation and the US’ support of it in the best light.

    The Sahwari people are also very progressive and ideologically strict with their Marxist-Leninist thought, with the party having strayed little from its roots despite being exiled to refuge camps in Algeria.

  • The Sahwari people deserve self-determination, and have been occupied by Morocco. Western Sahara has the support of the African Union, and virtually every African country not in the Arab League, which supports Morocco for primarily religious reasons.

    If the US and France happily offer and agree to certify your claim over a disputed territory in exchange for normalizing relations with Israel, then you are most likely not in the right. Israel also released a statement declaring their support for Morocco’s sovereignty over the region in 2023. Which should be another massive red flag.