Canadian cult classic: Out for A Rip
Canadian cult classic: Out for A Rip
Kids are babied already but if 14 year olds can vote in party elections, and 16 year olds can consent to sexual intercourse with adults, then I don’t think restricting porn is our problem. Either kids can make decisions, or all of these laws need to align with each other more logically.
We have taken parents rights away to allow children to make decisions on their gender and name changes, yet we expect parent to be responsible for their actions like accessing porn.
I could not care less about whatever the final say is on age restrictions, but if there are gonna be rules, at least make them make sense you know? I also do not love that I have to verify my identity to use the internet. Look at the UK and how that’s working out there even without IDs. Talk about authoritarian control.
This stuff is the whole reason I switched to this platform.
I love that we’ve gone so far that finally the left and right are on the same page. This is the progress I’ve dreamed of.
Giving the government more power is like letting someone beat you up for his fare when you could just walk 1km.
You joke, but this is a legit idea that has been tossed around and it is 100% credible
I didn’t know this existed and you just made my life
If it comes to it, there won’t be a conventional battle. We will take them out from within.
In the wise words of the Arrogant Worms, “We’ll take a boat to Washingtooooooon! And burn the White House twice!”
If they care about the environment at all they will. If they care about their people at all, they already would have.
I mean, advocating for eating people is in itself a crime, so maybe the bot thought you were trying to push for cannibalism? 😂
Bring back the avro arrow. Let’s do it.
I feel like you missed my “loose statement” point
This actually makes sense. The problem though, will be the same reason fact checkers failed; personal and institutional bias on what’s considered acceptable.
Only an unbiased AI could do this well, and that’s a loose statement.
Every Reddit mod is thriving in victim culture. The instant someone makes a complaint, they become a victim, and the smooth brained mods are incapable of removing their anchoring bias from their brains when making a decision.
To be clear, they’re talking about banning right wing people. Reddit is one of the most liberal platforms you will find.
You can’t even talk economics on Reddit without being downvoted to fuck, or banned.
I am a centrist, and I routinely had posts removed and got banned from communities for saying things from actual textbooks taught currently in universities.
No one is attacking the free speech of the left unless it’s radical and advocating for physical harm.
The irony
The irony in this statement is deafening.
That is usually how severance packages work
Fair enough, I’m just glad I got to post it haha