ATP Synthase is my favourite molecule ^^
ATP Synthase is my favourite molecule ^^
No one criticizes men for choosing celibacy or choosing to remain single.
conservative parents enter the chat
Looks like this is not the search but their shoppingcart list.
Maybe also because he made them feel dumb as they didn’t have the expected knowledge. So they took revenge for their fragile egos.
it might contain traces of forces arbitration
Yea, it voids the warranty. So when you get poisoned after eating it without label, you won’t be able to get a refund.
Two devices which can get handy for those:
Thats why ones password DB should also be saved encrypted one one or two external drives.
Porting Doom to run in real life.
Es ist mir auch ein Rätsel, wie man so einen Hass haben kann. LGBTQ Menschen haben keinen negativen Einfluss auf das Privatleben dieser Menschen (oder allgemein der anderen Menschen), sie wollen nur in Frieden ihr Leben leben. Was hat man davon diese zu unterdrücken?
maybe one of your problems is that your problem-counter only displays up to two digits.
but what should I write?
Yo, same what I was gonna to comment.
It would be fascinating to see if we could archive a “brain in a jar” by this.
Even more when considering that a big bunch of non-brain neurons are in the belly-area. So would it affect how we think?
I have no serious knowledge about it, but for the thermic aspect I can’t imagine it working in any way.
Your body will try its best to keep its core temperature constant. So you won’t really cool your cells down.
In this process it will burn even more fuel to produce heat, so quite the opposide they want to archive.
If they see it as a scam then they seem to expect certain financial gain from donating. In my opinion this is bad as donating life-saving goods should not be done just for the money.
You can’t be scammed if you are doing it for saving lifes (except if they sell the blood to some shady labs instead hospitals).
Wobei ich dir zustimme, dass die Schritte helfen, finde ich es doch insgesammt ein mieses Design.
Solchen Notfallmechanismen sollte so designt sein, dass sie auch jemand, der zum erstem mal ein digitales Gerät in der Hand hält, damit umgehen kann. Solche Schritte zum richtigen Verhalten bei Alarmmeldungen würde ich jetzt eher keinen abverlangen.
Mein Vorschlag: nach Tippen geht der Ton weg und der Text bleibt. Den kann man dann nur wegmachen, wenn man einen entsprechend markierten Button zur Seite schiebt.
It’s interesting to read the comments, as there are people who are like
I sometimes don’t return the cart and I attest myself to not be a bad person. Therfore the test is bullshit.
But then they behave like a dick in the comments; showing involuntarily that the test is a good metric.
So I think even a post about this test works like the test on a more meta level.
I didn’t read to much of the FIDO2 spec, so I can’t really compare.
But U-Prove can be used for state-issued E-IDs. Is this also possible with FIDO (including dynamically issuing attributes)?
Jep, the concept of it looks good.
And they even can have clutches and reverse gear.