Name an animal (or several) you like and mention why you like it. No wrong answers!

  • Count Regal
    3 months ago

    I love pretty much every animal depending on how I’m feeling that day.

    So here’s one pick from each major category I can think of:

    • Cnidarian: Portuguese Man-o-war. I just think they’re neat.
    • Worm: Leeches. They look cool.
    • Mollusk: Blue-ringed octopus. Dangerous boios with pretty colours
    • Arthropod: Ants. Eusocial insects are so cool!
    • Fish: No
    • Amphibian: Any large toad. They look funny.
    • Reptile: Tegu, they’re like the cats of reptiles.
    • Bird: Corvids in general. Crows, ravens, etc. Playful smart cuties.
    • Mammal: So many choices… But I’ll go with Raccoons. They have grabby little hands and funny lil’ masks. They are ADORABLE.