Name an animal (or several) you like and mention why you like it. No wrong answers!

    3 months ago

    Tigers. Because tigers. You don’t need a reason, just look at them.

    Chickens. Mine in particular, but that’s given me an affection for others. They’re about as dumb as bricks, particularly the roosters, but they manage to be endearing anyway. My hen cuddles with me ffs, how can you not like a critter that cuddles?

    The rooster, not so much cuddly. But that pea brained dipshit fought off a coyote, a pit bull, a raccoon, and a possum (though, tbh, the possum wasn’t fighting, it was just in the wrong place at the wrong time). My dude put his ass on the line literally to protect his flock of two. Lost tail feathers and neck feathers to the pit bull, but ran the damn thing off before I could get a clear shot. Same with the coyote, I come running and grab a rifle, but by the time I hit the yard, that coyote was scrambling to get under the fence and away from a furious rooster that was going so hard at the coyote’s ass he broke a spur off.

    How can you not like a bird that damn crazy and tough? He can hump my shoe all he wants. And he does. Daily. And I still like the bugger :)

    I’m also inordinately fond of dogs. For all the usual reasons. As much as I love my birds, if I could still take proper care of a dog, I’d have one. I just can’t, and I love them enough to not have one I can’t do right by. That ain’t the way it works, or it shouldn’t be.

    Hell, I could keep on listing. There really isn’t an animal I don’t like, and there’s a ton I specifically like a lot.