Sister was messing around with a UV light and noticed this on her phone screen under it. My phone does not have this (all I get is a grid of dots I’m pretty sure are to do with the touch screen).

    2 months ago

    “Belligerent”. How exactly?

    Like always, you’re just projecting onto a neutral comment.

    I’m not feeling defensive in the slightest, I genuinely can’t give a toss what you think.

    I think I’ve made a good point and you’ve not made a point at all.

    I don’t know what you think we’re arguing over, despite you saying I’m trying to convince you of something by sharing my personal experiences?

    If people are judging me because of how much resources my use of an LLM costs, then I refer again to the carbon footprint and that mine is a very small one.

    I’d be willing to accept criticism from someone with a smaller carbon footprint. Is that you? I strongly doubt it.