I hadn’t played DDA in a bit and was itching to give it another go. Downloaded the latest stable version and created a new character. They got rid of any point limits for character creation and thus I made a bit of an overpowered character. For world gen, I dialed zombie evolution up to (down to) 20, as I really like the base-building, crafting, and survival aspects more than the zombie combat. Might have all been a bit too much though, as I can mow through the regular zombies with my barbed-wire bat. Oh well, I’m having fun anyway.
I’m currently on the look out for an anvil, or the appropriate stuff to craft one. I’ve lucked out and have found a lot of useful tools already.
I’m also debating moving my base to be near the river. I had some really good luck with fish traps in my last game in G, though I think I eventually completely depopulated the small pond I was fishing. Hoping that won’t be as much of an issue next to a large body of water. I do think they changed the visibility of fish in the water, though I can’t find a specific changelog entry, as no fish seem to be visible in the water as they were in G.
Every survival game I’ve played does nothing for me except make me want to reinstall CDDA. It’s still the only zombie survival game worth playing imo.
oh cool! I haven’t played for a few years a run with no point cap sounds fun
Mhh, haven’t played in a bit as well, I’ll try again with these new options because I also enjoy the crafting part more than the rest.
Thank you for the info!
If you haven’t played in a bit, the old wiki kinda died, but this exists, if you aren’t already familiar:
Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Cataclysm
which is incredibly useful for crafting and figuring out where to search for specific things.
Good to know, thanks!