Completed LoK last week. Just thinking about all villian philosophy.

  • Count Regal
    3 months ago

    Yeah arguably the former three villains all sucked.

    Amon was a criminal exploiting social unrest for his personal gain, and didn’t really care about the cause.

    Unalaq was the wuxia fantasy equivalent of an Ecofascist. “We are the virus” type shit

    And Zaheer as an anarchist didn’t really have a project or care about uniting the people, he just killed some powerful assholes and considered himself a hero for it, not even caring that killing a powerful asshole and fucking off basically just opens the door for other powerful assholes to do powerful asshole things. – Which they did.

    The telling part, to me, however, is that only Kuvira got a last minute redemption, where the other three fucking died. Because ultimately neoliberalism considers “violent warmongering and conquest (aka mostly it’s the poors dying)” to be less destructive than social unrest, violent environmentalism, or anarchist movements that target the powerful.