The map was made for Roger, king of Sicily. The red lines are trade routes. This is a reproduction kept in UAE’s Sharjah Museum.
The map was made for Roger, king of Sicily. The red lines are trade routes. This is a reproduction kept in UAE’s Sharjah Museum.
I wonder what the globe would show if we were to peek at its’ southern hemisphere. And on the other side of the same hemisphere.
Completely accurate map of the americas lol
I ran across the unglobed map before I found the planisphere at the online British Museum’s ‘Silk Road’ exhibition. Go there and look for the text ‘Map of the world from al-Idrisi’.
I found the planisphere image on the Wikipedia page for ’ Tabula Rogeriana’, which shows several chunks of the map. (Idrisi maps all have ‘South’ on the top of the map.) In the ‘significance’ section, there’s a big version of the map. None of them are maps of the whole Earth … it’s said that his maps were all based on what people who’d been there told him.