
[image transcript]

a tumblr screenshot:

captain-price-unofficially posts an image of a brown liquid in a glass with a large spherical ice ball, an Uncrustables sandwich larger than the glass has been wedged on the rim.

sipping on drinks you can’t pronounce in bars you’ve never heard of

ilovecats4ever replies:
Drop the recipe chief

ilovecats4ever replies:
fine I’ll do it myself
[in large text] Cruster’s Last Stand

  • Bourbon
  • SPHERICAL ice (important)
  • Smuckers™ Unfuckable in your least favorite flavor
  1. put that shit in a cup

[end of transcript]

    • 𝕾𝖕𝖎𝖈𝖞 𝕿𝖚𝖓𝖆
      47 minutes ago

      When I was in the sixth grade, I went to a school that required you to have a badge. I had bad untreated ADHD (pretty sure I still do, just saw a psychologist about it about a week ago) and so it was normal for me to lose or forget my badge. If you didn’t have your badge, you had to get a temporary from the front office, and if you showed up to lunch with one, you got one cold uncrustable for lunch. That’s it. Everyone else was served a full hot lunch.

      So I have bad memories of being lunch shamed centered around these things. Besides, I love my extra crunchy Jif.