When I am making a post or a comment through jerboa, I am having a weird issue where if I backspace/delete, the text of the word I’m writing will combine with the word before it.
As an example, if I type
The quick brown foz
And I backspace to fix the typo, I get this
The quick brownfo
If I keep backspacing to fix the problem, it keeps combining words like this
It’s very annoying and sometimes I have to delete entire sentences and start over. Also, if I have a wall of text and click somewhere in the text to make an edit, sometimes it will keep typing where I was before. Also annoying.
Does anybody else have this issue? It could be a product of my keyboard, which is Open Board from F-Droid. But I usually only have issues like this when trying to type my information into websites that aren’t designed for mobile. (Fennec, if it matters.)
I have been having this same issue using the default grapheneos keyboard.
So, I am now testing with Google’s Gboard, and the problem doesn’t seem to be happening anymore. Still annoying for users of open board, which there may be a few of. Jerboa is the only app giving me this issue. Slide and Mastodon didn’t have this problem. Thanks for listening to my rant.
I do have the problem using Gboard
I tried it with SwiftKey and can’t reproduce this problem.
I’ve had the same problem with open board, and have been meaning to open an issue on github but haven’t done so. If nobody has yet, I’d say that’s probably more helpful to the devs than posting about it here
Openboard doesn’t seem to have this problem with any other app, but gboard doesn’t seem to have this problem with jerboa, so its a little unclear to me where this issue originates, though it feels like it’d probably been jerboa since openboard is just the aosp (android open source project) keyboard with some tweaks, so it should be pretty well written and tested.
Good advice. I’ve never posted to github, but if I get annoyed enough maybe I will.