To those of you with sensory issues (I believe this is pretty common, right?) have you noticed them changing as you grow older? Have they gotten easier to handle, harder, or stayed the same? In fact, if you feel like “going there” and sharing - please feel free to even express what they feel like.

No need to share what they are, if you don’t feel like it. Share what you’d like.

    2 months ago

    I do better with light-based over-stimulation than I did in my early 20s, but I have a lot more trouble with sounds. There’s a retailer here in Japan that has its store music (loud), various TVs and other devices playing separate ads at the same time at high volume, and just people noise that leads to a cacophony that triggers my fight-or-flight. I can’t go in there for long without noise-cancelling headphones. My brain I think tries to listen to everything at once and can’t separate things out leading to issues; I hear them all so I can’t listen to or discern any one of them (which is a more general issue I have that gets worse as I get older trying to hear people over any background noise).