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In past negotiation cycles, the UAW has chosen one of the Big Three legacy automakers (Ford, General Motors, and Stellantis) as a strike target, picking the company the union believed would agree to the best deal in order to set a pattern for the remaining two.

This time, the UAW has broken from this practice — UAW president Shawn Fain has said all three companies are targets, leaving the companies guessing.

  • FIash Mob #5678
    10 months ago

    After the intense increase we’ve seen nationwide in the cost of living, and the failure of the Federal and state governments to do anything meaningful to stop it, I wish our population had enough money squirreled away to declare a general strike.

    Since that isn’t feasible, it’s encouraging to see major industry labor unions going on strike, and even more encouraging seeing them win, as in the case of UPS.