Gee… it’s almost like all the overmoneyed people who tried convincing us that “colonizing” space was (somehow) a “logical” thing for humanity to do is far, far too privileged and spoilt to realize just how ridiculously fragile humans are outside of the ecosphere we spent millions of years evolving to survive in.
But hey - I still say we should fire a few billionaires off in a spacecan on a one-way trip to Mars just to be sure…
Gee… it’s almost like all the overmoneyed people who tried convincing us that “colonizing” space was (somehow) a “logical” thing for humanity to do is far, far too privileged and spoilt to realize just how ridiculously fragile humans are outside of the ecosphere we spent millions of years evolving to survive in.
But hey - I still say we should fire a few billionaires off in a spacecan on a one-way trip to Mars just to be sure…
Make sure to first redistribute their money to people who actually deserve it.
Shove all their money into public healthcare - it’s the gift that keeps on giving (which is why capitalists hate it so much)