I would never tolerate falling down regularly. Studded tires work extremely well. I ride through blizzard and on ice and slush without any trouble. The only time I went down due to ice was riding on a frozen puddle where my tires gripped the ice but the ice didn’t grip the ground under it. That was a decade ago.
Breaking a wrist or collarbone (or worse) happens far too easily to just accept routine crashing.
I would never tolerate falling down regularly. Studded tires work extremely well. I ride through blizzard and on ice and slush without any trouble. The only time I went down due to ice was riding on a frozen puddle where my tires gripped the ice but the ice didn’t grip the ground under it. That was a decade ago.
Breaking a wrist or collarbone (or worse) happens far too easily to just accept routine crashing.
Good for you, I guess?
More neutral for me, bad for you. Frequent crashing and injury is not normal.