I like the feeling of holding and using a phone in one hand. I am using a Pixel 5 right now, but it feels a bit too large for me. I know nobody makes phone that small like the iPhone 4S or the Samsung S3 mini anymore, but is there at least a phone smaller than the Pixel 5? Maybe around the size of a iPhone 12/13 mini?
EDIT: There is a small Android phone project in development for anyone interested: https://smallandroidphone.com/
There is a Samsung addon called Camera Assistant. It integrates with Samsung camera’s settings, and allows the photo button to make a photo “on press” (while the default is set to “on release”).
I am aware of that, but already low quality photo (compared to Pixel/iPhone) has even worse quality with this option.
Holy hell thank you so much. You jusy solved a problem I didnt even realize I was dealing with. I always felt like my camera was delayed, but I thought it was just how things were on every device.
be aware that this option lowers the already low image quality