• Hare
    55 months ago

    Klara and the Sun by Kazuo Ishiguro and The King in Yellow by Robert Chambers

  • yeti
    25 months ago

    I recently read Dead Moon by Peter Clines, and it’s one of my favorite novels ever. It’s set in the future when the moon is used as a cemetery, and something happens that makes all the dead rise from the grave and attack the settlement there. It has an amazing b-movie feel.

  • Tippon
    15 months ago

    I like the Dangerous Days books by Baileigh Higgins, but at the moment I’m reading the Orphans series by Mike Evans. I read the first half a dozen books a few years ago, but missed the last couple, so I’m doing a reread to catch up before I start the new ones.

    It’s about a load of kids who survive the initial outbreak, but their parents don’t. The kids have to learn to survive on their own against fast zombies, while not starving, or dying from avoidable things.

    It’s a good series 👍