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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Any_Manufacturer5308 on 2023-08-12 00:54:46.

I am pregnant with my first child and this whole process is not only new, but also scary and overwhelming. I have always been a particular and private person, this is nothing new to anyone who knows me. I have been with fiancée for 4 going on 5 years, so I would say his family knows me well. Even before I was pregnant I made it well know to everyone, friends and family, that I didn’t want anyone in the delivery room except me and my fiancée. I have also been very vocal about not wanting any visitors while at the hospital as I would need some time to recover as well as just wanting some time with our newborn. Just the other day my fiancée came home and brought up how his family “deserves” to be there and he thinks its unfair that I am not comfortable having them in the delivery room. I explained that the only person other than him that I may want to be there is my mom. I explained that I would maybe want her there to advocate for me, as she has had 7 children and is well seasoned in this area, and to be there to maybe document so we can focus on the birth. He was upset with that which was confusing for me since this had not been a problem previous to him going to his moms that day. I am now going to have to have a talk with him and his mom, as well as his grandmother, to explain why I am not comfortable with them being there during a very intimate and vulnerable moment. I feel upset that I have to explain myself at all considering that I am the one who will he going through labor and giving birth. I feel like my future MIL is allowing her excitement to morph into entitlement. I am not saying they will not meet our daughter, I am just asking for everyone, including my family, to wait until we are home before we have visitors. I originally wanted a week before having visitors but my future MIL also made a really big deal about that, so I compromised with visitors when we get home. These are all things that I had previously discussed with my fiancée. Am I in the wrong for not being comfortable with them being there for the birth and for wanting a little bit of recovery time after I give birth?

  • ArcticAmphibian
    1 year ago

    Yeah, you’re NTA. You’re the one giving birth, and your word is final. At least make them wait until after the birth is complete and you and the baby are cleaned up. It sounds like your fiancee needs to learn to stand against his mother more often.