Using Siri’s announce notifications is super helpful to me. Discuss :)

    10 months ago
    • anytime I sign up for a subscription thing, I cancel instantly (if the service allows you to use it until the end of the time you paid for) That way I get the thing for the month I am most likely to use it and then my interest and subscription run out within weeks from each other.
    • I found a friend with ADHD and when I get overwhelmed filling out documents, they are there to help me through. I try and do the same. I can deal better with forms other people have to fill out - maybe because my own stakes are lower, so it’s not so stressful.
    • when I’m good, I try to make todo lists. The granularity of items is roughly proportional to emotional investment, i.e. how stressful starting it will be. They look vastly different in size (e.g. open the email, find the information, … vs. clean the entire apartment — maybe not the best example, but I hope it gets the idea across)
    • I currently use an app called Finch for things I want to do regularly. I get points for doing them. I also have a task for the end of the day to write down what I didn’t do and why without judgement… just to see if there are patterns.
    • I “listen” to podcasts to calm down my own thoughts. It helps me concentrate on tasks. I don’t normally end up paying any attention to the podcast.
      10 months ago

      How is Finch going as far as longevity? I feel like I’ve used about a million different types of habit trackers or whatever and I use them for about a week and then get annoyed at having to do it every day. I always want so badly to keep up with them because data and trends/patterns over time is just super interesting to me, but they just never work out 😞