Gaza is currently experiencing its longest communication blackout since the Israeli operation began in October.

Between October 7 and December 15, approximately 18,800 Palestinians have died, 70% of whom were women and children. The death toll includes over 300 health sector workers, 86 journalists, 135 employees of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, and around 35 civil defense crews. In addition, more than 51,100 people have been reportedly wounded, with many others unaccounted for.

The report further states that out of 36 hospitals in the enclave, only eight are partially functional. Occupancy rates in inpatient departments have surged to 206%, while intensive care units are operating at a staggering 250% capacity.


    76 months ago

    I don’t appreciate the idea that it’s somehow worse that women and children are the ones dying, as if men are expendable. It’s one of the grossest forms of sexism.

    Now, if they had said “X% of those killed are children,” I’d have fully supported that. Adults are definitely more expendable than children. Children deserve full protection by everyone.

    But men’s lives matter in these situations too. We’re not meaningless.

      16 months ago

      It’s because typically women aren’t combatants (outside of organised military) so they’re typically unarmed innocents like children. It doesn’t preclude men from being the same, and I totally agree with your point too, but the ‘women and children’ figures typically hit home that large swathes of civilians are being killed in conflict. It’s a way of explaining to the reader that shit is fucked.

      Additionally, women are the key to the next generation. This is genocide.

  • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
    26 months ago

    Reminder that these atrocities are facilitated by the west, and would not be possible without full and unwavering support of the US regime.

  • JokeDeity
    -36 months ago

    I will forever hold Israelis in the same part of my mind as Nazis and Russians. Fuck them all.

    -86 months ago

    Have any of these numbers been verified by a third party agency? You’ll have to forgive me if I don’t take anything Hamas says at face value.

    • NoneOfUrBusiness
      276 months ago

      The Gaza Health Ministry’s numbers are trusted by the whole world, including organizations like UNICEF.

    • I haven’t heard anything from a third party, and no doubt hamas is exagerating to some degree, but whatever the actual numbers are, I wouldn’t think the current estimate of ~20,000 is far off. Israel is intentionally bombing civilians, so the estimated number sounds fairly reasonable to me.

      Easier to confirm, is the proportion of women & children. About half the population of Palestine is children, and about half are women. So ~75% being women or children also fits.

      • NoneOfUrBusiness
        246 months ago

        Hamas isn’t exaggerating, because the Gaza Health Ministry isn’t Hamas except by virtue of Hamas being the government of Gaza. The whole world trusts and uses the GHM’s numbers, because they’re accurate. Also the real number is more than 19000, because there are people still buried under rubble or otherwise missing.

          216 months ago

          I don’t think those commenters really care, they’re just looking for reassurance for their apathy. Denial will save them from inconvenience.

          • Dude, I am this 🤏 close to being banned in another community for daring to say that the current event is a genocide of palestinians.

            I’m not denying anything, let alone for the sake of convenience. I’m not apathetic. All I’m saying is, is that the current numbers are probably not completely accurate.

            I also explicitly said that the current estimate is probably not far off.

              16 months ago

              The only way they’re not accurate is through underestimation. The official figures exclusively count verified recovered bodies. Unidentified bodies, those still under the rubble, and the dead who cannot be processed by the medical system are not counted. That same medical system that was utterly destroyed by Israel. All evidence points to the official figures being a gross underestimation. After taking all precautions and publishing only the most conservative, verifiable numbers with names backing each one, westerners claim based on propaganda alone that the casualty figures are an overestimation.

              We don’t need to be parroting genocidal apologia from Joe Biden and the imperialist machine.

              -46 months ago

              Wouldn’t it be great if Hamas popped up out of their hide-e-holes and fought the IDF? Imagine all the innocent people that wouldn’t get killed.

        46 months ago

        and no doubt hamas is exagerating to some degree

        First, you’re going to need some sort of evidence to back up this claim. Second, Hamas isn’t who is publishing these numbers.

        • First, you’re going to need some sort of evidence to back up this claim.

          It’s in their interest to exaggerate, and they are under the control of a terrorist organization.

          Second, Hamas isn’t who is publishing these numbers.

          My understanding is that the only people tracking & publishing the numbers is the Palestinian health ministry, which is under the control of Hamas. Everyone else is just saying “Gaza’s health ministry said X” and such.

            36 months ago

            It’s in their interest to exaggerate, and they are under the control of a terrorist organization.

            That’s not evidence, that’s another claim. Please provide evidence.

            My understanding

            You don’t understand the difference between evidence and a claim, so it’s no surprise that you don’t understand anything else that you said after those two words.

    • AngrilyEatingMuffins
      156 months ago

      I think Israel themselves said that casualties were 61% civilian, and they count any male of “fighting age” as Hamas, so 70 sounds about right

      • LittleHermiT
        86 months ago

        Putting greater significance on women and children sounds primitive; all lives should be counted equally. But yes, all men are potentially hamasian by virtue of having the same body parts as hamas, thereby resembling hamas enough to be unworthy of living.

          56 months ago

          Children kinda makes sense. They’re less likely to be combatants and have more potential life ahead of them.