There’s no editing in this picture, it’s just shot looking up at the cloudless sky.
Canon Rebel T3 | F5.6 | 1/100s | ISO 800 | 250mm
Southern California?
Looks like a golden orb weaver.
Actually, northern Netherlands. Would love to know what kind it is though.
Perhaps Larinioides Sclopetarius (Bridge Orb-Weaver)
My layman’s eye says that’s it!
Such an amazing shot!
Thank you! Definitely one of my most unique shots. I just wish I had taken more time to optimize the focus but it probably looked fine on the small display. But who knows, maybe a better focus might’ve messed up the disappearing web or something else altogether.
Smash it
Hey, spiders need love too!
Especially this little guy posing nicely while keeping insects from coming inside through the window!