
Can’t install different distro after popOS with luks encryption.

OK, I’ll go over everything so about a couple months ago maybe less I installed a pop OS with Luke’s encryption and had no issue and literally have switched distros hundreds of times so I decide to swap to another distro and wanted to install it well I use a normal USB that I’ve used hundreds of times and no issues before well I get the GNU grub prompt, so I’m like that’s weird never seen that before and I was in public place so I didn’t have much resources to go off of I kind of like looked around and I was like maybe it’s the USB Maybe it went bad or something or whatever so I go home do some research followed the eight maybe or nine tutorials on how to fix this it doesn’t have me in grub rescue mode and I was reading that that’s not the issue and I was like maybe it’s the USB so I switch to another one and another one and another one I’m like there’s no way so I go over to my PC and plug it in and it works like it boots into the new distro cuz I thought it was like maybe it’s a kali Linux problem but I’ve had kali Linux installed on my laptop before and I had parrotOS too. So I was wondering if it was maybe a Luke’s encryption issue or has anyone else run into this I’ve changed my BIOS I’ve went through all of the possible changes and to explain it maybe in a little bit more detail I followed the issues that people run into but for some reason and if I can get some screenshots I’ll send them I don’t have the Linux mod or the normal mod when I switch and use the section for insomod When I go through the file system it says that there’s Papa s installed the EFI the all of it is there I’m just not sure what’s preventing me from being able to install a different distro has anyone ever run into this is this a pop OS issue or is this a encrypted volume issue because it boots off my other PC and it’s booted off this PC but it goes straight to GNU grub no matter what I try to install and I’ve tried the different ports and I’m just very confused on what the issue is here so if anyone could help I’d appreciate it thank you


Firefox 116.0 Released


Transform Your Android Device into a Linux Desktop


Stop duplicate clicks from mouse?

I have a cheap Chinese mouse with 4 side buttons (MB1, MB2, etc.) and for some reason they all send a double keypress when clicked. This happens in Windows 10 as well, the mouse is the issue.

In Windows, a simple Autohotkey script can be used to remap the mouse buttons and stop any duplicate clicks by only letting it through one time in a max amount of milliseconds, fixing the issue.

How would I accomplish something similar on Linux? I’ve tried “input remapper” tool, and that can remap the mouse buttons fine, but whatever it’s remapped to gets the duplicate send.


Insert, PageUp, and PageDown keyboard keys switched problem

I am having a weird keyboard problem. My Insert Key is now the PageUp

key and the PageUp key is now the PageDown key. PageDown does not seem to do anything. Running ‘xev’ and pressing these keys reveals that Insert is keycode 112, PageUp is keycode 117, and PageDown is keycode 118. When I ran ‘Onboard’ for a virtual keyboard and clicked these keys, they behaved correctly. How do I get these keys back to the way they were? They were not always like this and I have no idea how it happened. This behavior is persistent regardless of logout/login and rebooting and also behaves this way in the console/tty. This is on a Debian-based, systemd-free system.


Linux is trending on X right now.


for hackers pov : this book is reliable for hacking shit???


the linux user is real tox. this true or myth

In the post-Soviet period, there is a myth that users of the Linux operating system are toxic.

When I started programming, I decided to switch from pirated Windows and almost all pirated programs. I am a schoolboy, and with the war in my country, licensed Windows costs 6,600 hryvnias, which is more than the average salary of a man doctor an amount that I cannot afford, so I decided to switch to I switched to Linux, looked through a bunch of guides, everything downloaded more or less normally, and we believe that Linux is a lifeless console, to the point that my computer science teacher, teacher coomputa technology that I installed Linux, started to put a 6 for perfect work, and we have a maximum score of 12 and 6 is the lowest grade to pass to the next class, i.e. if you get less than 6 in any subject in a year, you stay in the same class for another year

it is true that Linux users are aggressive and necessarily hackers


Best Beginner Linux for Windows User?

Currently using Windows 11 Ghost Specter and thinking about switching to Linux. What would be the best one?


What distro should I use?

I am a new Linux user and am using Ubuntu at the moment. But I was very disappointed with the customization possibilities of Ubuntu and wanted to change to a distro that is as good as Ubuntu and that allows you to customize more the appearance of it. Which distro would you recommend?


With Six Editions, Zorin 16.3 Has Something for Everybody - FOSS Force


Vendor says “Software runs on “ VMware 7 and not 8 or even KVM

Newbie here, a vendor we work with says that the software they develop that is installed on windows server 2019 as a VM running on VMmware esxi 7 only, and they say it is not supported on esxi 8, kvm or any other virtualization platform.

I don’t understand how is that possible, at the end they are all virtualizing CPU, RAM and storage for the windows OS and the virtualization platform must “virtualize” the operations of a physical cpu.

Would appreciate explain this if am missing anything.

Edit, asking this as i wanted to try and install proxmox or qemu and try out installing their software on a windows server 2019 vm and test all of its aspects and see if it works or not. Thanks !


Where do we go now that r/linuxquestions and r/findmeadistro are dead?

both r/linuxquestions and r/findmeadistro are gone due to the API changes, and considering they’re still offline, it’s safe to say they’re not coming back.

I was planning to dualboot a lot of my old computers (i have a lot of old computers lol) with Linux however now I’m not sure where to ask what distros to use on them, so I’m really focusing on finding a replacement for r/findmeadistro, however an alternative for r/linuxquestions is also needed for a lot of people.


How Do I? Edit Launcher to show current instances on left click

Currently running Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS.

Got my Chrome Launcher on panel to open new tab on left click – but I was wondering if there is a way to have the below functionality.

When left clicking launcher, if any instances of the application are open it will display them and allow me to select an instance, else it will open a new tab.

Somewhat similar to this – display open tabs of same program

I would just like to be able to quickly open any of the instances of Chrome, other programs aren’t as important but in the image above it seems this functionality was baseline, showing ‘arrows’ for each active instance of an app.

Similar to Win behavior, just curious if this is possible – thanks in advance.


Linus & c++ technical interview

I have a c++ and Linux technical interview in 3 days for an entry level coding position. What types of questions should I expect, and what should I study beforehand? I have some knowledge of Linux but am not confident in my skills at all


recover file content


I faced a situation today where I wrongly edited a file in my server and I forgot what it was on it,

So my question is there any way to recover the content of the file or is there any way I can use to create a backup in my server next time


Planning to daily drive openSUSE TW, any tips?


TL;DR Switching from Windows 11 to openSUSE Tumbleweed, also an NVIDIA GPU, any tips?

For my entire life I’ve been using exclusively Windows, but a lot of things have been making me considering switching to Linux lately. Almost one year ago I’ve set up a dual-boot of openSUSE Leap 15.4 along with Windows 11, but since then I haven’t really used it. Things like gaming, Windows-exclusive software and the fact that I’m not the only one using this PC and the other person is very used to Windows have been holding me back. But now I’ve started to realize, that Linux has all I need, really. After all, there’s always the other drive with Windows that I won’t be ditching in the foreseeable future, so I can reboot into it at any moment.

Today I tried replicating my bizarre partition setup in a VM and then updating Leap 15.4 to Tumbleweed, and it worked, I guess. I want to do the same on my PC tomorrow. After that I’ll be messing around for a few days, configuring and setting up stuff.

Do you have any tips for a Linux newbie? The main things I do on my PC are gaming (just a few games though) and programming (which is one of the main reasons I’m switching). I also feel like I have to mention that I have an NVIDIA GPU (1050 Ti), and last time I checked the Nvidia drivers package that I got from openSUSE Wiki was version 4xx somehing. But the latest GameReady drivers on Windows are 536 or something. Is that how it is?


Why do most ATM’s still use Windows?

In the U.S, and even for most ATM’s around the world, many often still run Windows. From what I’ve read so far, the reason why most banks don’t want to overhaul their ATM’s boils down to something pretty simple: cost. Estimates I’ve seen are usually around $1000-$3500 because apparently it means that they have to replace the all of the computer hardware as well?

Now, I’ve had first hand experience with how troublesome ATM’s can be nowadays. I’ve had one ATM run an update and crash on me afterwards WHILE I am still in the middle of a transaction. I’ve had to go into the bank and get one of their technicians or IT staff to fix the problem or they just give me my money and go about business. Not only that, I have also experienced numerous transaction delays because of these updates downloading at the worst time possible. This is not to mention the potential security vulnerabilities as some are STILL running older versions of Windows, especially in rural areas where the tech/online banking infrastructure isn’t nearly as refined because of lack of funding/market interest.

What’s the story behind this? Did Microsoft acquire some obscure deal with big banks back in the day for their OS to be so ubiquitous across all ATM’s?

Edit: Forgot to also ask - does Microsoft and/or banks have any kind of protection/preventative measures in place?


No audio, can’t change display resolution


I dual boot windows and linux on two separate drives. I’m not an expert in linux at all. Recently I booted to windows to use microsoft word for a document. When I logged back into linux I have no audio, my display resolution is fixed to 1024x768 and it says unknown display at the top.


Any advice/fixes appreciated


How to Install and Update Fedora Linux on Android using Termux


Start recommending immutable operating systems to newbies.

Immutability is the future of Linux, and some could argue the future is now ^(old man!).

Software Entropy/System Degradation

This is coming from my experience, but I’ve never had a good time using Linux until I tried Fedora Silverblue. I’ve tried out various operating systems like Pop!_OS, Fedora Workstation, Arch Linux, Nobara, and I’ve had problems in all of them.

They’re not major problems that make them impossible to use, but rather paper cuts. Sometimes it’s small things like sudo taking seconds before prompting for a password, default audio devices resetting to something else, random system freezes that last seconds, and so on. But eventually, these paper cuts add up and can kill. While these issues alone weren’t enough to force me off Linux, they added up enough that it made me switch to Windows temporarily. Similar to the phrase “Death by a thousand paper cuts”, a single papercut isn’t a major issue, but many are.

Non immutable operating systems are vulnerable to an issue called software entropy (or system degradation, doesn’t matter). This refers to the problem that while a fresh install of an operating system will likely not be problematic, the longer you use it, cluttering it up with packages, dependencies, temporary files, or just any other clutter the system makes, the more issues you’ll encounter.

Immutability shines here, it’s more resistant to software entropy. I will be using ostree as an example here: every operating is the exact same, when you update, you’re not just updating packages, you’re updating the system image. Any problem you encounter, other people are also going to encounter it. Your system will nearly be the exact same as someone else’s, excluding hardware.

On top of that, immutable distros are heavily resistant to user error. You make a mistake and accidentally uninstall your entire desktop environment installing Steam? Good news, you can revert back to an earlier image of your operating system when everything was working. This also applies to updates; if an update breaks your system, good, you can just revert and wait until a newer updates comes out and fixes it.

The ability to change distributions/rebasing.

Again, I will be using ostree for this example.

A lot of issue I see people face is distro hopping, you always want to try something new. You endlessly reinstall your operating system, always making and recovering data back ups, all just to do it all again when you see something interesting. Good news, ostree supports something called rebasing. Because your operating system is basically an image, you can just change it to another image. You’re on a KDE system but want to try GNOME? All it takes is a command to switch to a distro that uses GNOME.

This is also great for noobs. I’ll be using Fedora as an example here. On Fedora Workstation, the most common problem you’ll see for inexperienced users is due to missing packages like codecs, drivers, and the such. The only fix is to walk them through on installing RPM-Fusion, installing all their codecs, installing all their drivers, and more. However, on Silverblue, I can just rebase to a distribution that already has that stuff set up for me.


Every time i use linux i want to die.

Is that normal ?


Asking about bspwm blep blep

Considering fully switching to bspwm, have no past experience with wms, is there anything i should know before I do that, or maybe some general tips that you people could give?


Melon loader on linux vr problem

Vr works great , however i cant use mods like melonloader for boneworks. Ive tried implementing the melonloader linux tutorial but the game wont launch with “version” override. So is melonloader for boneworks on linux not possible?.

Also used r2 modmanager (linux native) and nothing happens when loading modded

Please help thanks


I want to switch (again) to linux but I don’t know which distro

I tried to switch to Linux in 2019 and had Linux Mint installed. Before that I had Ubuntu for a couple of weeks. At that time my SSD broke and I bought a new one, logically without Windows. At that time I didn’t know how to install Windows with a USB-stick, so I was only left with Linux. I liked Linux Mint, but I didn’t liked the look of it that much. Ubuntu has Snap, which I unfortunately didn’t know about at the time because I was a typical beginner. When I figured out how to install Windows from a stick, I did it. I regret it, I should have focused on Linux instead. For some time now I’ve been wanting to switch to Linux again. About a year ago I installed and tested Pop!OS as a dual boot. I liked it in general, except for the application menu, which looked pretty bad in my opinion, but I don’t know how to change that. I tried to change the look of Pop!OS, but I screwed up so much that the installation broke. I then deleted the partition and haven’t had Linux on my computer since. That reminds me that before Pop!OS I installed KDE Neon, but I didn’t liked something about it, unfortunately I don’t remember what I didn’t liked about it, and then I uninstalled it. I’ve read a lot in the internet since then about the systems that exist and what they do. I think I like Fedora, Manjaro, Debian, TuxedoOS or Pop!OS. Thing is, I don’t know what to take. KDE or Gnome? I like both very much. KDE seems to have a lot of bugs and Gnome has problems with the extensions after updates. Accordingly, I do not know what to take from the two DE’s.


I also often game on the computer and currently still have a GTX 980, which I would like to replace soon with an RX 6600XT/RX6700XT, because I have read that you have fewer problems with AMD.


Which of these systems is better for gaming? With Debian I already know a few terminal commands, with Fedora with the dnf I don’t know just as well as Arch with pacman -S I don’t know my way around either. Is a Rolling Release important for gaming or is a stable Distro like Debian better for gaming?


Do you have any advice for me?
