In every election “left-leaning” neoliberals always try to guilt-trip Marxists into voting for their candidates with the usual schpiel: “Your party doesn’t have enough votes to win. You are just letting conservatives win”. What do you tell these people?

  • MF_COOM [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Tell them if they want my vote they can have it by just seriously embracing two (only two) of the following:

    Drug legalization
    Vacancy control
    Massive increase in funding non-profit housing
    Massive increase in train infrastructure
    Free public transit
    Significant reduction in military budget
    Withdraw from NATO
    End fossil fuel subsidies
    China-style expansion of solar and wind farming
    House the homeless in permanent housing
    Criminalize corporate lobbying
    Complete provision of free health care for all including mental health and dentistry
    Debt jubilee
    Climate reparations to global south counties