It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his
salary depends on his not understanding it!—Upton Sinclair,
I, Candidate for Governor: And How I Got
It’s almost as if there’s an entire class of (inordinately wealthy) people who have no reason to exist in the capacity that they do.
CEO’s are so important to the functioning of a product that they don’t even have to fucking understand the product itself. Why not give them shitloads of money?
It’s almost as if there’s an entire class of (inordinately wealthy) people who have no reason to exist in the capacity that they do.
CEO’s are so important to the functioning of a product that they don’t even have to fucking understand the product itself. Why not give them shitloads of money?
I never pass up an opportunity to link this article: CEOs are hugely expensive. Why not automate them?
This is always relevant