Some will need to be rebuilt. The entire design forces cars. You’d have to level half the city where I live to even make a start at making it transit friendly.
It’s still worth it, but we need to understand this is something that will take our lifetimes. We will not see the benefit. It will be our children, or possibly their children. We’re going to have to rebuild nearly everything.
@WaterFoul@TipsyMcGee I think you over estimate how much needs to be rebuilt. Just replacing shopping strips with low rise homes with ground floor retail and allowing for housing in fill around them gets you there. Building an excellent bus interchange in the giant carpark is easy too.
They’re doing this around my neighborhood. I do like it, but it is not helping car dependency at all. They’ve been doing it for a while. They had to backtrack on promises to not make a car park because the people still need their cars for work.
I don’t have any kids and I believe when I’m dead I wont be conscious of anything so I really struggle to care unless its something that can be done faster.
That said, I kind of actually do think its physically doable within my lifetime, it would just require some technological advancement in automated construction and energy production.
Then you’re a piece of shit and I don’t want you to exist in a society with me. If you’re not all in for the next generation you’re a bad person and an active problem.
I think you are jumping the gun. I’m a soft anti-natalist (because people do not choose to be born), don’t believe in free will, and I kind of resent being born myself and the expectations that come with it. I’ve not loved life much and one of the main reasons I’ve not killed myself is that I am terrified of dying now that I’m alive.
By my own ethical analysis, I don’t owe the world anything on an intrinsic level. I did not choose to be here and I’ve not forced anyone else into the world. Like sure, I’ll help in a pretty conventional emotional/empathy sort of way for people around me in the present. And can empathize with kids in terms of feeling bad about how screwed they are though what with the state of the climate. Not my fault though.
If I had brought a new human being into existence I’d probably be in a perpetual state of anxiety over the responsibility of giving them a good life since I’m the one that fucked up and brought them here. Luckily for me that’s not happened and probably wont with my plans to get a vasectomy once I have the cash and a full vacation day or two for recovery.
But yeah, fuck you. I guess we’re just mortal enemies or some shit? Get your stick out of your ass. You aren’t morally superior.
I don’t care about anything else you have to say. Lol. You are morally, mentally and emotionally inferior to just about everyone you’ve ever met. You’re a massive dork who needs to get outside.
Some will need to be rebuilt. The entire design forces cars. You’d have to level half the city where I live to even make a start at making it transit friendly.
It’s still worth it, but we need to understand this is something that will take our lifetimes. We will not see the benefit. It will be our children, or possibly their children. We’re going to have to rebuild nearly everything.
@WaterFoul @TipsyMcGee I think you over estimate how much needs to be rebuilt. Just replacing shopping strips with low rise homes with ground floor retail and allowing for housing in fill around them gets you there. Building an excellent bus interchange in the giant carpark is easy too.
They’re doing this around my neighborhood. I do like it, but it is not helping car dependency at all. They’ve been doing it for a while. They had to backtrack on promises to not make a car park because the people still need their cars for work.
@WaterFoul you don’t get all the benefit till all the pieces are there.
And the rest of the benefits will take a lifetime to get there.
I don’t have any kids and I believe when I’m dead I wont be conscious of anything so I really struggle to care unless its something that can be done faster.
That said, I kind of actually do think its physically doable within my lifetime, it would just require some technological advancement in automated construction and energy production.
Then you’re a piece of shit and I don’t want you to exist in a society with me. If you’re not all in for the next generation you’re a bad person and an active problem.
I think you are jumping the gun. I’m a soft anti-natalist (because people do not choose to be born), don’t believe in free will, and I kind of resent being born myself and the expectations that come with it. I’ve not loved life much and one of the main reasons I’ve not killed myself is that I am terrified of dying now that I’m alive.
By my own ethical analysis, I don’t owe the world anything on an intrinsic level. I did not choose to be here and I’ve not forced anyone else into the world. Like sure, I’ll help in a pretty conventional emotional/empathy sort of way for people around me in the present. And can empathize with kids in terms of feeling bad about how screwed they are though what with the state of the climate. Not my fault though.
If I had brought a new human being into existence I’d probably be in a perpetual state of anxiety over the responsibility of giving them a good life since I’m the one that fucked up and brought them here. Luckily for me that’s not happened and probably wont with my plans to get a vasectomy once I have the cash and a full vacation day or two for recovery.
But yeah, fuck you. I guess we’re just mortal enemies or some shit? Get your stick out of your ass. You aren’t morally superior.
I don’t care about anything else you have to say. Lol. You are morally, mentally and emotionally inferior to just about everyone you’ve ever met. You’re a massive dork who needs to get outside.
Dude, I can see your post history. You shouldn’t be talking. All you do is whinge and moan.
Also you’re basically a reactionary walking along the border of just calling me a degenerate. So just do it.
It does take a generate loser to care about post histories. You’re not wrong there.
And you’re an overemotional man child who doesn’t have two social skills to run together.